Quick launch problem



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8,837 posts

259 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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About a week ago...a 'quick launch' box appeared on my lower toolbar....as if by magic.
When I got my comp way back in Jan 2001...some kind soul actually programmed my comp with a quick launch set of icons (they're by the start button)...so this new box that appeared is just a duplication of stuff I already have.
The problem is...the new box takes up so much space that when I minimise windows into boxes...there's no-way I can find them easily....like I used to be able to.
And if I'm on MSN and I'm messaged...I don't get a flashing box at all (like I used to).

I have a Compaq and run Windows ME....and Compaq does it's updates when I go on-line...so I presume they're the culprits.

Can anyone please tell me how to get rid of it....and get my comp back to normal?


426 posts

293 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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Try right-clicking on the task bar (usually at the bottom of your screen) and select Toolbars/Quick Launch


Original Poster:

8,837 posts

259 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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Done that ...and it's gone now.

But, I'm not getting the minimised window box descriptions back....just a small box with an e in it.
or rather 2 small boxes with e's in...cos I was checking to see if it worked.
I think even though I've now got rid of the 'quick launch box' the space it was taking up...somehow still hasn't been freed....so it can't go back to how it was.


Original Poster:

8,837 posts

259 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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All sorted now

Just had to move the 'invisible ' barrier back to the RH stop