


Original Poster:

16,370 posts

295 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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any visio users out there..

i've done some dbase diagrams and entered all the table properties but how the heck to i print out the database properties i.e the field lists




16,442 posts

272 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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Depends what you're trying to show...

I'm no expert in Visio, but the default view for database diagrams shows the tables with their fields listed.

The Database-->Options-->Document menu allows you to choose what detail is shown on the diagram for each field.


Original Poster:

16,370 posts

295 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
quotequote all
what im trying to do is print out the field listings for all the tables..



16,442 posts

272 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
quotequote all
Yeah - what I meant was that these are shown on the diagram by default, so you'd get them on the printout.

If you're after a view of all the fields in the db, separate from the diagram, then I don't know enough about Visio to comment further!


Original Poster:

16,370 posts

295 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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no worries i'll keep playing... it must be possible as its listed in all the courses !!!!!

the basic diagram print doesent seem to have all of the fields for each table so i carnt use that diagram....

mmmm i though it might simplify things using viso oh well