It's going through the window in a minute . . . .

It's going through the window in a minute . . . .



Original Poster:

1,153 posts

258 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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Can anyone provide some clues to the following :

I have a computer at work that seems to go through a random rebooting sequence.

Its running XP Pro, with a spec of 3GHz P4 Chip, 2GB DDR 400 Ram, 2 off SATA 120GB HDD's arranged as Raid 0, 128MB graphics card.

All the latest available drivers (inc Anti Virus) are installed.

Every so often, it will freeze and require a reboot. When rebooted, it will detect the 2 HDD's but not see them as one drive, thereby freezing until the raid is recreated.

When it eventually gets into XP, it will reboot 4 / 5 times automatically then try and send a load of log files to Microsoft.

I've just tried to run a AV check but even that caused a reboot.

Normally the Anti Virus software (Norton) has detected nothing.

Looking at what processes are running in the background, there's no MSBlast etc

Any ideas ?


267 posts

295 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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If you have rebuilt the system and are still coming up with the error then I would suspect hardware (Possibly memory). mTry running some diagnostic software on the PC.


Original Poster:

1,153 posts

258 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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Thanks for the quick reply.

Can you recommend any suitable diagnostic tools ?

We're only a smallish co and don't have a dedicated IT dept !


7,412 posts

264 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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Is this a new computer and its only started to happen?
If it is you may find that the power supply may not be able to handle the requirements from all the equipment you have on board and a new power supply is needed.
If its not a new machine and this has only started to happen after x amount of weeks then the tool that's mentioned above will help.

Hope this helps.



5,160 posts

270 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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I would suspect the power supply as well - had a very similar problem with a dual athlon system, also raided (2 80gb ibm drives) and a fairly high end graphics card - if this has only just started happening on a previously stable sytem and no new hardware or software has been installed then I would agree that you may want to check the memory.


1,950 posts

262 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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First place I would start looking is Event Viewer...


6,942 posts

266 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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Be careful about power supply compatibility - don't just go for one with the biggest wattage.



7,412 posts

264 months

Monday 3rd November 2003
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simonrockman said:
Be careful about power supply compatibility - don't just go for one with the biggest wattage.


thats the mistake i made. I went for one that quoted 400Watts only to find that it wasjust shy of 300watts. Now i have a true 400w and no more problems of Windows restarting.