Help......XP movie maker



Original Poster:

8,814 posts

265 months

Friday 31st October 2003
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I'm editing the footage of LB3 the Fun Run and am just finishing it, I've added pics and music and was just about to do the credits then stop.
It has frozen the program
Is there any way to un-freeze and still have my movie or do i have to start over....


90,126 posts

295 months

Friday 31st October 2003
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I don't think so unless it does a timed save.

Are you using the MM1 or the updated MM2?

I have crashed MM1 before so updated it to MM2. It was the music that did it to me, it doesn't always like MP3 music it likes it to be converted to WAV format.

If you want to try out Premiere, Director, DVD Lab or Studio 8 and a few others for sound and audio manipulation let me know.


Original Poster:

8,814 posts

265 months

Friday 31st October 2003
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Somehow got it to auto save before i rebooted
It is all there by in what way its saved i dont know.
So i'm adding the missing credits then save as what it should be


165 posts

274 months

Friday 31st October 2003
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I would consider yourself very fortunate. From my own experiences with Movie Maker, it likes to be left alone. It's horrible, crashes all the time, well when I say crash I mean irrecoverable hang it doesn't have the decency to tell you its crashed. What do I do to provoke a crash, add a bit of video or sound, maybe a transition or try to render a movie. I was under the impression that this was the purpose of movie maker. If anybody knows of a piece of software that's less stable at what is meant to be its core competancy then I would be amazed.

I use Pinnacle Studio which is ok but doesn't handle widescreen. Video editing software is top of my Christmas list. Well that and more disk space.


9,327 posts

286 months

Friday 31st October 2003
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While we're on the subject of Movie Maker (which doesn't crash on my PC after I put loads more RAM in it), how could I change a file from .wmv to .mpg or .avi? I can't seem to find any small, free programmes about.


1,893 posts

277 months

Friday 31st October 2003
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FunkyNige said:
While we're on the subject of Movie Maker (which doesn't crash on my PC after I put loads more RAM in it), how could I change a file from .wmv to .mpg or .avi? I can't seem to find any small, free programmes about.

try here

if any thing needs fixing
try here


90,126 posts

295 months

Friday 31st October 2003
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Stoik Convertor -

Can convert Windows created WMV files to MPEG (Avi) format.


16,442 posts

272 months

Friday 31st October 2003
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MM2 is giving me an odd error when I try to capture from the cam. Anyone got any ideas?

"An interface has too many methods to fire events from"

Bl00dy weird, its like its installed incompatible versions of its own components.