ISDN for file transfer



Original Poster:

3,811 posts

275 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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We need to setup an ISDN service so ad agencies can send copy to us. (Why they can't just use our FTP service is another matter). Anyhoo, anyone got any recommendations as to kit/software to allow us to do this. (We're exclusively PC based).




9,396 posts

269 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Do you have an NT / Win2K Server that you can use as a remote access server?

If so then it's just ISDN modem and away you go.

>> Edited by DontLift on Thursday 30th October 17:39


13,116 posts

267 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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[quote=DontLift]Do you have an NT / Win2K Server that you can use as a remote access server?

If so then it's just ISDN modem and away you go.

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637 posts

282 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Even if you setup an ISDN connection you will still need a transfer protocol to exchange files.

Why can't they use your FTP server? Is it a security issue or are they not familiar with FTP?

If your FTP server is connected via a CERN compliant proxy then your customers can simply use IE to connect.


Original Poster:

3,811 posts

275 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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marlboro said:

Why can't they use your FTP server? Is it a security issue or are they not familiar with FTP?

It seems that the wonders of FTP have passed by Ad agencies to some degree. Our Ad sales guys and gals tell me that they have tried to 'enforce' use of FTP but the agencies all refuse. As we get a $hit load of revenue from these people we can't really force the issue to much.


11,669 posts

261 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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stupid question but if they are not going to use ftp how are they gonna move their files?

Microsoft File and Print sharing?



637 posts

282 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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In that case how would your 'customers' prefer to download??

A folder to your FTP server could easily be created on their PC's. Then it's just drag and drop.

Would that still be a problem??


165 posts

265 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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try these guys


>> Edited by devdog on Thursday 30th October 19:40


9,396 posts

269 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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pies said:
[quote=DontLift]Do you have an NT / Win2K Server that you can use as a remote access server?

If so then it's just ISDN modem and away you go.

See more help offered

VOTE FOR ME!!!!! Not!


9,396 posts

269 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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We have plenty of second user servers and PC's around the place, if you are stuck for something to use as the RAS (Remote Access Server)


7,563 posts

276 months

Sunday 2nd November 2003
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Didn't think any companies still bothered with that - all the ones I know have ditched ISDN transfers for internet-based, especially as ADSL lines are as cheap and 2-4 times the speed for sending.

They're probably wanting Eurofile-based ISDN tranfers (iirc, that's what most mac-based ISDN stuff uses), in which case, a terminal adaptor with a copy of RVS-COM will do you fine.

If it's just for one PC, as cheaply as possible, get one of these from Solwise: along with the software. I think the "lite" version will only allow you to send files, if you need to recieve you'll need to get the full package at around 100 quid. Solwise should be able to advise further.

Then you'll need an ISDN line set up by BT if you haven't got one, around 250 install then 90ish per quarter. If your existing phone system uses ISDN lines you can probably allocate one of them for the job instead of getting a new one.