VIC 20 & Commodore 64



Original Poster:

19,928 posts

277 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Who else had one of these ACE machines?

First had a VIC 20 with a 16K Ram Pack!

Remember waiting for ages for the tape player to load a game, only for it to crash and come up with Syntax Error!

Your Favourite games?

Mine were.....

1) Scramble
2) Pitstop
3) Jeff Minters 'Attack of the Mutant Camels'

etc. etc.

What an era of my youth!


12,820 posts

265 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Found an old magazine for it and a 100MB harddrive was £800!


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Had both.

King and Queen of the C64 games were The Last Ninja and Way of the Exploding Fist.


646 posts

274 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Posted this before...but a gem so


27,281 posts

273 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Get yourself an emulator! I have C64, +4 and Spectrum emulators at home - great fun to play those classic games again!


9,699 posts

285 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Speccy + 48k was my first computer.

My dad put off buying a 16k speccy because he wanted something more powerful for games.

Lords of Midnight
Jet Set Willy
Manic Miner
Elite (greatest game in the universe ever)

ruled in my household.


5,094 posts

259 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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I had a Com 64, pissed me off no end so I flogged it and bought a motorbike.


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Elite could (and still can for that matter) right off as far as I am concerned.

Docking my arse.


433 posts

259 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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ZX81 !!

Horace and the spiders
Horace goes skiing


9,699 posts

285 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Plotloss said:
Elite could (and still can for that matter) right off as far as I am concerned.

Docking my arse.

Says it all - A failed space explorer methinks.

Swilly (Deadly)


8,290 posts

259 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Ah..... the Vic-20....

Jelly monsters (cartridge) - was almost arcade perfect Pac-Man.

Gridrunner - Jeff Minter genius!

Matrix - Llamasoft shoot-em-up

Myriad - Highly addictive


731 posts

263 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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I had a VIC 20 .... brilliant PAC MAN cartridge game... superb in its day!


11,298 posts

283 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Plotloss said:
Elite could (and still can for that matter) right off as far as I am concerned.

Docking my arse.

.. Aww couldn't you manage it... I eventually got to Elite Rating.


3,167 posts

284 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Mmm I can go one better by saying I owned a Commodore PET... Looked like a PC but was 1,000,000 times slower!

Owned a Vic 20, C64, Atari 2600, ZX80, ZX81, Spectrum 16k and 48k, Sinclair QL (Business), Amstrad CPC64 and 128... The list goes on!


560 posts

281 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Yep had both, Rat Race for the Vic 20 - that was cool.! But I think the Jet Set Willy games were good. I also seem to remember something about Lamar Attack - or something to do with Lamars on a similar name...?


731 posts

263 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Those were the days...

when the games cost around a tenner and with a good set of twin decks you could have it copied round the school by the end of the week!


3,167 posts

284 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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jj. said:
Yep had both, Rat Race for the Vic 20 - that was cool.! But I think the Jet Set Willy games were good. I also seem to remember something about Lamar Attack - or something to do with Lamars on a similar name...?

Rat Race on one of those cartridge things!
And Yes! Geoff Minters 'Attack of the Llamas'

TUS 373

4,888 posts

292 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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lotusnobles said:
Those were the days...

when the games cost around a tenner and with a good set of twin decks you could have it copied round the school by the end of the week!

Those were indeed the knew who your friends were at school when it came to the cassettes. The cartridges were OK to pool and swap with each other - but I had a Dragon 32 and they cost about £20 each - or 10% of what the computer cost!


Original Poster:

19,928 posts

277 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Do you remember:

Mower Mania VIC20
Quo Vadis C64
BoulderDash C64
Robin of the wood C64
Outrun C64
Thrust C64
Atic Attack C64/Spectrum
Arabian nights C64 (With speech synth!)
Winter Games C64

ACE - I know what I'll be setting up this weekend -

Oh, and kickstart (Mr Chips)...... !!!!!


395 posts

278 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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I had a C64!! Loved the Llamasoft games. Had that pain in the @rse tape deck as I couldn't afford a hard drive.

It's amazing that the programmers in those days could (and had to) write really tight code to fit the games onto the limited storage available. Games these days are HUGE, partly I'm sure due to sloppy programming (even if you discount the quantum leap in graphics and sound capabilities these days).

I'd like a room in my house just for classic arcade games. Space invaders, PacMan, etc.