VIC 20 & Commodore 64
Who else had one of these ACE machines?
First had a VIC 20 with a 16K Ram Pack!
Remember waiting for ages for the tape player to load a game, only for it to crash and come up with Syntax Error!
Your Favourite games?
Mine were.....
1) Scramble
2) Pitstop
3) Jeff Minters 'Attack of the Mutant Camels'
etc. etc.
What an era of my youth!
First had a VIC 20 with a 16K Ram Pack!

Remember waiting for ages for the tape player to load a game, only for it to crash and come up with Syntax Error!

Your Favourite games?
Mine were.....
1) Scramble
2) Pitstop
3) Jeff Minters 'Attack of the Mutant Camels'
etc. etc.
What an era of my youth!

jj. said:
Yep had both, Rat Race for the Vic 20 - that was cool.! But I think the Jet Set Willy games were good. I also seem to remember something about Lamar Attack - or something to do with Lamars on a similar name...?
Rat Race on one of those cartridge things!
And Yes! Geoff Minters 'Attack of the Llamas'
lotusnobles said:
Those were the days...
when the games cost around a tenner and with a good set of twin decks you could have it copied round the school by the end of the week!
Those were indeed the knew who your friends were at school when it came to the cassettes. The cartridges were OK to pool and swap with each other - but I had a Dragon 32 and they cost about £20 each - or 10% of what the computer cost!
I had a C64!! Loved the Llamasoft games. Had that pain in the @rse tape deck as I couldn't afford a hard drive.
It's amazing that the programmers in those days could (and had to) write really tight code to fit the games onto the limited storage available. Games these days are HUGE, partly I'm sure due to sloppy programming (even if you discount the quantum leap in graphics and sound capabilities these days).
I'd like a room in my house just for classic arcade games. Space invaders, PacMan, etc.
It's amazing that the programmers in those days could (and had to) write really tight code to fit the games onto the limited storage available. Games these days are HUGE, partly I'm sure due to sloppy programming (even if you discount the quantum leap in graphics and sound capabilities these days).
I'd like a room in my house just for classic arcade games. Space invaders, PacMan, etc.
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