Backup Software



Original Poster:

720 posts

282 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Can anybody recommend some backup software for a small business?
Mate of mine needs to have something that is idiot proof as he knows nothing about computers. (And he owns a mobile phone business)
I have downloaded Handy Backup 4.1 which looks good.
But wondering if anyone has other recomendations.
I think he is thinking about getting the files out of his office/showroom incase burglers nick his computers. Most of the details he needs are probably going to be small files in excel I think.
Any suggestions?


6,012 posts

295 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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I use Windows Backup built into W2k Server and also BackupExec 8.6. Windows one is dead easy to use, not so clever backing up open files, but from my experience, neither is BE.

Try Windows Backup, it's free with the OS so nothing to lose.



90,126 posts

295 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Depends on how much he wants to back up.

If his loses his PC's and wants a complete HD backup so all he has to do is reinstall to a new HD then something like Norton Ghost is best to use.
Just need a CD writer and lots of CD's.


16,442 posts

272 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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IIRC Backup Exec can be a bit better at handling open files, but you need to install the client agent on each PC...


Original Poster:

720 posts

282 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Thanks guys.
I don't think he has much of a network so I think his requirements are quite low on the scale.
Last time I looked at the built in windows backup it only wanted to use floppys.
What this guy needs (and I think a lot of people need) is something that will automatically backup their days work for them. He is thinking of something that will send his daily info either by email or ftp to a remote computer so that if he is burgled he doesen't lose his data.
When I asked him how often he backed up his business files, he told me that sometimes it was more than two weeks.
You'd want to be lucky!
Thanks again.


12,058 posts

275 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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You can do an FTP backup using the caommand script.
Set to the right directory copy *.*


1,893 posts

277 months

Friday 31st October 2003
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I use Acronis TrueImage works great.
like akk the Acronis stuff

pluss it dident cost me anything anyway


48,927 posts

259 months

Saturday 1st November 2003
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Rjo - I'm a backup exec support engineer

I'd say if he's just backing up a dead server at night to use the windows tool - it's backs up all your closed files and system state too. Should be enough to recover.

If you need Exchange backed up then windows backup can do that too.

Backup Exec can give you a SQL agent (for backing up open databases) along with one for Exchange, Lotus or Oracle. As explained above there is an open file option too which is handy if you can't switch off any applications during backup.

Backup Exec does cost a bomb though (pays my wages )