kazaa downloads



Original Poster:

39,731 posts

295 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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just downloaded a copy of photoshop 7 and when I try to install it asks for the serial # how do I get round this or don't I

>>> Edited by Apache on Wednesday 29th October 22:24


4,506 posts

293 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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Apache YHM


Original Poster:

39,731 posts

295 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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thanks zorro, says it's not valid though

>> Edited by Apache on Wednesday 29th October 21:18


271 posts

263 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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8,894 posts

278 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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Also do a search on Kazaa for the serial!!

Mr John

574 posts

260 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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Had a bit of trouble with Kazaa myself.
Lots of files renamed and a couple of virus's, any body know a better site ?


18,958 posts

266 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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There's Kazaa lite, it has less spy-ware. But for when you said other sites, you meant file sharing sites?

Mr John

574 posts

260 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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Particularly new movies.


18,958 posts

266 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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You'll need a bittorent, but this site usually gives me good speeds and has most of the films. Not as many as kazaa though.



1,682 posts

259 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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thats where links to all the serials live, Scan any file dowloaded from here , thats if you are not allready running suitable software, oh and a firewall of course.

Mr John

574 posts

260 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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Thanks guys I'll give em a try.


4,506 posts

293 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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Mr John said:
Had a bit of trouble with Kazaa myself.
Lots of files renamed and a couple of virus's, any body know a better site ?

I've used direct connect for 2 years instead of Kazaa, I always found kazaa to be slow and populated with viruses.

The software is available for download here


For a lot of hubs you have to be sharing a minimum amount of data usually about 10Gb. Best to have a separate HD setup with files to upload or a RAID setup.

The best hubs and probably the only ones I use are Wexio 1,2 and 3 and Vaxjo. There is rarely anything I can't find on these hubs. I'm currently sharing about 30Gb and my system name is cerbera .


1,893 posts

277 months

Saturday 1st November 2003
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