Help needed from computer nerd..(expert:)

Help needed from computer nerd..(expert:)


Wacky Racer

Original Poster:

39,403 posts

258 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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Hi guys, can you help if possible??

Together with my brother, I own a medium sized sports shop in the Manchester area.

Now my son, who is very computer literate is building me a super dooper website, but obviously you can have the best website in the world, but if nobody looks at it, it is useless

So my question is, say for example "Rugby body protection", how do I get my info to the top of a page on Google, and other search engines, so that if somebody types in "Rugby protection", my business comes up first, or thereabouts....

Do I have to pay any money to the search engine company???????

Thanks, in anticipation...


24,460 posts

258 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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There are loads of companies that offer software that can help you out.

Google for something like 'search engine registration' and all your prayers will be answered

dick dastardly

8,321 posts

274 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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I'm currently looking into this too and the general rule seems to be that you should just make sure that the content and page titles on your site cover all the keywords you would want to be searched on. The more relevance your site has, the higher you go

We were paying google to use their adwords but at almost £3 a click for some keywords it is a VERY expensive way of advertising.

TO try and figure out which keywords to use or not try this little thingy (under 'search term suggestion tool' on the bottom-right)