replying to email



Original Poster:

8,490 posts

294 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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I have recently gone to broadband with another provider and have set up a new email account.
When I reply to an email it replies using whatever account it was sent to (and fails to send if it uses the old account) is there anyway to force Microsoft Outlook to reply using the new account.
I am using Microsoft Outlook 2000 sr1
Thanx in anticipation


300 posts

277 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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you just need to set your outbound mail server (SMTP) on the old account to be the same as the new account.

rich 36

13,739 posts

277 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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just been checking mail on old freeserve acc 1008 to look at oh dear


Original Poster:

8,490 posts

294 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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Gerrard said:
you just need to set your outbound mail server (SMTP) on the old account to be the same as the new account.

Thanx would never have thought of that


3,337 posts

273 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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One useful workaround, if you want to migrate recipients to your new address (and as this feature is in Outlook Express, I presume it's in Outlook).

Under "Rules", create a rule that any mail sent to your old address is highlighted in a colour (like blue)

When blue appears in your InBox, hey presto, you can say "that person's sending email to my old address", and drop them a reminder (if it's a personal email) or adjust your subscription details (if it's automated newsletters)


8,290 posts

259 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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HiRich said:
One useful workaround, if you want to migrate recipients to your new address (and as this feature is in Outlook Express, I presume it's in Outlook).

Under "Rules", create a rule that any mail sent to your old address is highlighted in a colour (like blue)

When blue appears in your InBox, hey presto, you can say "that person's sending email to my old address", and drop them a reminder (if it's a personal email) or adjust your subscription details (if it's automated newsletters)

Either that, or create a rule that dumps all of your emails sent to the "old" address into a different folder.

I have four different email addresses (three business addresses and one private address) and just created three new folders called "Inbox xxxxx, Inbox yyyyy, Inbox zzzzzz"

Divert all of the business mail to the relevant "new" inbox, and anything left in the normal inbox is my personal mail.

Works a treat!