42" NEC plasma



Original Poster:

1,938 posts

260 months

Monday 27th October 2003
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anyone got or played with one of these? im thinking of buying one and would like to hear from honest owners.


8,290 posts

259 months

Monday 27th October 2003
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Don't know if it's the same model, but a mate of mine has just had an NEC plasma installed at home.

He got it through a business contact who is "in the trade"

It apparantly the "next generation" of Plasmas, which will be out in retail land early next year.

It is JUST a plasma screen (No sound or tuner) but the quality is astounding.

I watched about half an hour of the footie on Sky on it yesterday, and all I can say is "Football on Big Plasmas in the hom is the future!"

I'll drop him an email to find out the model number to see if it is the same as the one you are looking at, but it is absolute quality.


Original Poster:

1,938 posts

260 months

Monday 27th October 2003
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just what i wanted to hear! i too am going to use my sky box and dvd surround sound player. NEC 42VP4.


1,870 posts

268 months

Monday 27th October 2003
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saw a demo of one in a nearby store. not sure which model it was, but the picture was surely brilliant and matching and surpassing the brand models (Sony, Panasonic etc).

The store did however say that NEC were releasing new model very shortly, and were waiting on its delivery. May be worth finding out more info on it?


8,290 posts

259 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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I asked my mate what model his new Plasma is.....

and I quote...

"Hi mate

It was great to see you all

I will sort dinner out for you before Christmas

The plasma is a 42vp4/42vp4d I think"


18,764 posts

272 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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Word has it that Pioneer's new PDP434HDE and PDP504HDE units (43 & 50" respectively) are set to lay waste all in their path...

For the time being, Hitachi's 42PD3000 or Panasonic's PW6/PA20 series will kill everything for sheer cinematic impact, especially if your (DVD) source outputs a progressive type signal.

Trust me, I'm a Terminator...


Original Poster:

1,938 posts

260 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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thanks der, im eyeing up a sony 42" which seems to offer more, just like you said.
I like you choice in cars by the way!
so when you say you re a terminator, what do you mean?


4,506 posts

293 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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I've had a Panasonic 42PW5 for a year and have been perfectly happy with it....until yesterday !! I went for an eyeball at the new Pioneer 43"...what an awesome piece of kit, picture definition is the bomb. The demo screen was running from a non-progressive scan DVD player and wasn't even using component video which is all the more impressive....gonna shutup now before someone accuses me of being a Pioneer sales dude.


271 posts

263 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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Cannot comment on the new NEC but nothing came close to the Pany PWD last year. Got It installed just before last christmas and still think it better than others I've seen. Have SKY, DVD and a PC connected to it.


22,612 posts

272 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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ew_topcat said:
thanks der.....so when you say you re a terminator, what do you mean?

He means he is a mad psyco from the future who don't take no sh1te (ask his local council ) oh and he also knows more about home cinema than has been invented yet!


>> Edited by dazren on Wednesday 29th October 21:30