Free webspace hosting?



Original Poster:

1,315 posts

258 months

Sunday 26th October 2003
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Anyone know of a good free webspace hosting company?

I am looking at posting a build diary for my kit car.

One problem is my lack of html knowledge. I would prefer a site that offered 'wyswyg' file uploading. I can do this from Front Page, Publisher or a Serif Web plus program that I have.

I want it as easy as possible, as although I can produce something I like (using web browser)in the mentioned programs I have no experience of posting a website. Am I asking too much?


591 posts

273 months

Sunday 26th October 2003
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I would recommend you try

The free version has all you require.
They have a free hosting service or you could use your own web host.

(You have to include a link back to the site.)

Its really easy to setup - photos /dairy e.t.c
Have a look for the examples on the site.
Takes a few minutes to setup and I know people from the ages of 18 to 60 using it !

The pro version has advanced features including a useful publish by email feature (so you can add content anytime via your own email account !).

Blogger is now part of google , so they have good hardware !

Enjoy !


13,116 posts

267 months

Sunday 26th October 2003
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Drop "Dontlift" a line


51 posts

259 months

Sunday 26th October 2003
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Lycos (tripod) is usually ok. (i think)

I used that for some free hosting stuff. It has php and easy to use MySQL if you fancy a bit of databasing as well.

It's usually pretty reliable although the MySQL database servers ALL crashed the other week.

Oh well, there goes my Advanced Higher Computing project.