pop up problem



Original Poster:

7,585 posts

261 months

Saturday 25th October 2003
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i seem to be having all these pop ups annoying me continually even when im not using the internet and have no browseres open. could anyone help address this problem, think it may be a program that somehow got installed on my computer and i really need to get rid of it cause all the pop ups are slowing down my comp.


11,621 posts

278 months

Saturday 25th October 2003
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Operating System?



Original Poster:

7,585 posts

261 months

Saturday 25th October 2003
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windows xp

anything else?


17 posts

258 months

Saturday 25th October 2003
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Ad-aware from Lavasoft usually sorts these things out,


Top left, under software, there's a free personal version.

good luck!


Original Poster:

7,585 posts

261 months

Saturday 25th October 2003
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thx. hopefully it works.

edited to add: is it good to have detected 279 items..........

>> Edited by unlicensed on Saturday 25th October 23:26


22,612 posts

272 months

Sunday 26th October 2003
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This thread may be of interest:




8,166 posts

283 months

Sunday 26th October 2003
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try spybot as well - it'll pick up some stuff Adaware misses:


>> Edited by Fatboy on Sunday 26th October 14:03


51 posts

259 months

Sunday 26th October 2003
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unlicensed said:
i seem to be having all these pop ups annoying me continually, think it may be a program that somehow got installed on my computer and i really need to get rid of it cause all the pop ups are slowing down my comp.

Sounds Like a program called "Gator", usually comes with Kazaa (even kazaa lite now aparently) but can also be picked up from elsewhere.

Ad-Aware 6 will find it and remove it.

[edit] I'm a fool, next time I will scroll down to see what others have posted [/edit]


11,621 posts

278 months

Monday 27th October 2003
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unlicensed said:
thx. hopefully it works.

edited to add: is it good to have detected 279 items..........

>> Edited by unlicensed on Saturday 25th October 23:26

You need to be a lot more careful about what you load from the internet. Just because a site operator tells you that you must load such-and-such a program in order to fully experience thier site, does not make it safe... Look at the box that pops up. Read it. You will find that you will be just great without it...



1,893 posts

277 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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dazren said:
This thread may be of interest:

<a href="http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?t=48175&f=95&h=0">www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?t=48175&f=95&h=0</a>


thats the old lan message brardcast hole easy to fix.
there a new bloody pop add program out

and addawear and spybot cant find it.

the tricky littel ers driving me mad.

im going to check kill it if its the last thing i do

I hate spywear grrrrr

from what i can make out there a new exploite in IE

that micro soft aint pluged yet

as the one got in there and installed a downloader
found the downloader but cant find the dame prog it downloaded yet

trust me my xp been updated its a new serous hole in xp

then againg nothin unushall there

>> Edited by outlaw on Tuesday 28th October 07:15


11,621 posts

278 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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Outlaw... If you can remember the date that it started happening, use your search facility to find all files created on that date. It is time consuming but it will lead you to the culprit...



1,893 posts

277 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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tryed that no luck so far in registry looking for anything out of place.
but no luck

this one the most stubon one iv ever come across

when i get a min im going to try and monitor where its contacting and they better hope there servers been patched.