Reinstalling Windows 98



Original Poster:

4,272 posts

274 months

Saturday 25th October 2003
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When you reinstall Win98 do you have to also reinstall all the programs on it? I suspect you do It's just my mum's PC is acting rather slow and the scanner doesn't work even though I've reinstalled the software several times


12,058 posts

275 months

Saturday 25th October 2003
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Yes. and all the drivers. Mind you delete all the irellevent crap that's in the program files directory after you've re-installed.


8,290 posts

259 months

Saturday 25th October 2003
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If you having to re-install, wouldn't it make sense to upgrade to a newer version of Windows? (2000 or XP)


67,280 posts

281 months

Saturday 25th October 2003
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If you are installing W98 on top of itself it shouldnt be neccesary to install all the programs again unless of course you are formatting.


12,058 posts

275 months

Saturday 25th October 2003
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plotloss said:
If you are installing W98 on top of itself it shouldnt be neccesary to install all the programs again unless of course you are formatting.

It writes a new registry, so your programs are all still there, but they won't work.