Centralising Web Pages



Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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I've just spent the last couple of hours mucking around with some website creation software (WebSphere v6) and it seems OK for a numpty like me.
However, I cannot seem to make the pages appear centrally when on the web. In the program they look OK but as soon as it is uploaded it all sits on the left side of the screen leaving a large area on the right blank.

any ideas chaps?


4,492 posts

295 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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.Mark said:
I've just spent the last couple of hours mucking around with some website creation software (WebSphere v6) and it seems OK for a numpty like me.
However, I cannot seem to make the pages appear centrally when on the web. In the program they look OK but as soon as it is uploaded it all sits on the left side of the screen leaving a large area on the right blank.

any ideas chaps?

Adding a <center> tag after the <body> tag and before any tables or content might work

>> Edited by rpguk on Friday 24th October 16:44


Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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Cheers, I'll take a look.


10,005 posts

284 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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I had an old web program that did the same thing, I just moved things to the right to compensate


11,621 posts

278 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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Viper said:
I had an old web program that did the same thing, I just moved things to the right to compensate

Hope you didn't sprain anything, those desks can be heavy



175 posts

291 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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The old tried and tested method is to place eveything in a table with 1 col and 1 row height 100% and width 100% then it appears center screen regardless