Ripping DVD Soundtracks.



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11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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Been here before but still can't crack it and seeing the other thread about DVD ripping prompted me to try again.
I have a music DVD which is really good and would make a great CD for the car, the thing is I don't know how to get the sound off it and format it so an in car CD player will read it (is it .cda format?).

Unusually this isn't a case where there is a DVD and CD available in the shops - can anyone help?


90,126 posts

295 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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Hmm...sort of. Although this is a trial version and will only copy 5 mins and that comes to 50MB. Also it only converts to mpeg or wav format and I don't think in car players read either of those do they?

Plus a whole DVD comes in at a predicted 1.7GB!!


90,126 posts

295 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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It converts them to MP3 which can be written to CD for playback on any CD system using a writer like Nero or Adaptec CD Writer.

It seperates the tracks so you can use which ones you want, if your 1.7GB DVD is full of audio then there is no way you'll get it all on a CD anyway.

>> Edited by FourWheelDrift on Friday 24th October 14:59


13,668 posts

272 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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.wav is umcompressed, there's loads of software to turn these into one of the many MP3 formats

What OS are you on ? You can send the .wav strasight to audio CD on anything later than 2000 I believe (I know it's true for XP) 74 minutes/CD at 44.1khz sampling rate (standard CD quality)


90,126 posts

295 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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OK, then how much patience do you have? Here's an idea.

Get a copy of the free DVD ripper Smartripper, this can rip a whole DVD, but won't seperate individual audio track, it does it by chapters. So you might get a track across 2 chapters.

Anyway then get a copy of VirtualDUB MPEG2/AC3 with VOB file support. Load all of the VOB files into VirtualDUB. Find the track you want and crop the DVD to that track and save audio as WAV format.

All you need then is a program to convert the WAV to MP3, I have SoundForge but there are many different ones out there.

Re-load the DVD .VOB file and repeat for all the tracks you need.


Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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Cheers chaps, both good ideas.
I'll give them both a go over the next couple of weeks and see how I get on.

Ta Very Much.