ArcServe Question



Original Poster:

7,485 posts

267 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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We've recently gone from using NTbackup under NT4 to using Arcserve (still NT4) on one of our servers. Arcserve is not too happy overwriting the old tapes that were used by NTbackup. I get a "W3825 Unable to find this media or a blank media" message in the log.

Any idea of how I can get Arcserve to overwrite as part of the scheduled jobs?

I really don't want to format all 27 tapes by hand!

I've looked on google, but I only get links to a Wedgewood China pattern, or 'Wolverine' steel toecap boots!

thanks in advance



10,857 posts

278 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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Had a look on Cheyenne's support site?

From (distant memory, sorry), I think formatting is your only option.


Original Poster:

7,485 posts

267 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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Thanks Greg,
I've looked on CA website, and it suggests you select a destination device rather than a destination tape. We are already doing this and have the following option selected:

"Overwrite Same Media Name, or Blank Media First, then Any Media"

Which according to the help should do the following:

"Overwrite any media found in the drive. If you select this media option, ARCserve checks to see if the media in the drive is the one specified for the job. If it isn't, ARCserve checks to see if the media is blank. If the media isn't blank either, ARCserve reformats whatever media it finds in the device and starts backing up files at the beginning of the media."

If only Ronseal made backup software


48,927 posts

259 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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Use Backup Exec - it's NT Backup in Wolf's clothing

But then again, I may be biaised


1,950 posts

262 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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What version of Arcserve are you using?? Is it 9?? I can ask our Ops guys tomorrow, as we recently went from BackupExec to AS9 (Don't ask... global standards and all that..), and I *know* the ops guys would not have formatted all our tapes individually - 27 wouldn't even cover a nights backup run for us (One of the worlds largest re-insurers, and we cant even have a SAN - bah). Also DLTs or SDLT's?? Not that I think it should make a difference, but you never know..


Original Poster:

7,485 posts

267 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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We're using ArcServe 7 because it's the only backup software we've got that is licensed to do Hot Backups of an Oracle DB. It's using a DLT.

I'm thinking of ordering some of those 'Wolverine' steel toecap boots and giving it a good kicking!


1,950 posts

262 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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Danhey, asked our chaps and they say the auto format before a job starts doesn't work too well, it can be hit and miss. Do your tapes have an expiry date? If so, and it has gone past this date, then the auto format definitely does not work and you have to do a manual format.


Original Poster:

7,485 posts

267 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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Thanks for that Eric,

I'm beginning to come to the conclusion that I am going to have to manually format the dodgy tapes.



1,534 posts

258 months

Saturday 25th October 2003
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No, an easy solution is to put a strong electromagnet next to each tape thereby wiping them clean in the fraction of the time it'd take to do them manually. Failing that, arrange an accident with the box of 27 tapes and a carelessly placed can of ronseal wood varnish sans lid. Twenty-seven new tapes later, et viola.

You've got to think laterally in this game. And it helps if you're slightly lazy too. I refer you to [url][/url]

>> Edited by Flat_Steve on Saturday 25th October 00:12