.BAT (or similar)



Original Poster:

11,430 posts

277 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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Is there any way I can set up a .bat file (or other software) that would automatically open an application (Word, CrystalReports, Excel), open a file, update it, then print it.

I've got a bunch of different reports in each of these apps, and its a real pain doing this manually every week ....



34,444 posts

314 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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Depends what you mean by 'update' it


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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Depends on the application.

If its one of the office applications I believe you can script just about everything inside the tool using vbScript.


Original Poster:

11,430 posts

277 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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vbScript ... never used it.

As for updating it, take an Excel s/sheet as an example, it has links to other workbooks that may have new data in and for the report to be up-to-date, this new data has to be incorporated (usually asks if you want to update when the s/sheet is opened). CrystalReports has an "update data" button.


34,444 posts

314 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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Not simple then...


9,396 posts

269 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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If you want some script writing to do this give me a shout, i assume it is business and we could probably sort it fairly cheaply for you


591 posts

273 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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Hi guys,

I'm sure this is easy to do.

Years ago I had a coverdisk program which would record/perform a set of actions when you press a hotkey.

I will search and see what comes up.

Basically as long as you perform the same set of task

File >import >filename.???
File >save >

it should be ok.

There must be an easy way !


591 posts

273 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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OK I have no experience with this company or product but I found a UK company via google


The product is called macro scheduler
and I think a trial download is available.

Looks pretty good.



Original Poster:

11,430 posts

277 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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robertuk said:
OK I have no experience with this company or product but I found a UK company via google


The product is called macro scheduler
and I think a trial download is available.

Looks pretty good.


Trialling that now - seems to do most of what I wnat, as long as I dont move any of the file locations around, or change any icons on the desktop

Cheers all!