PCI IEE1394 and JVC DV Vid Cam



Original Poster:

2,505 posts

294 months

Monday 20th October 2003
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Well, this is now annoying me.

Despite some calls to Pinnacle (who have been helpful) and checking the web for answers still haven't managed to get my Pinnacle Studio DV card / PC to recognise the JVC 9600 camcorder being attached to it. The firewire card is recognised and drivers installed ok. Provided that I turn on the camcorder on to 'Play' before booting the PC, the PC does recognise that an 'unknown device' is available.
Problem is is that I cannot find the driver that this should be using i.e 'Microsoft DV Camcorder' anywhere.

Any thoughts on how to get this working?

OS = Win98SE (latest updates)
Pinnacle Studio 8.10b (latest patch)


1,217 posts

290 months

Monday 20th October 2003
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I was considering a JVC but was warned off, as there was (supposedly) a problems with the JVC IEE1394 implementation (I have a mac though).

Try these people


they were very helpful when I was considering my DV camera.



30,639 posts

295 months

Monday 20th October 2003
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No insight on your problem but I can tell you what happens on my setup if that helps?

I'm using a firewire PCMCIA card and some rubbishy phto editor software that came with it to connect to a cheapo DV camera. I've also used the microsoft editor and a couple of other free ones without any particular problems. I turn on the PC, put in the firewire card, start the video editor suite, connect the wire between the camera and the firewire card, power the camera up in playback mode. The video editor has options to capture from scanner, still camera, video camera etc so I select capture from video camera, this seems to be enough for it to find the camera. The video editor gives me preview, playback controls etc. I've never installed any camera-specific drivers or had to access the camera via the hard device manager.

Hope this helps, but somehow I doubt it ...


6,555 posts

295 months

Monday 20th October 2003
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I agree with Pete, I have never had to insall any camera specific drivers. I have the Pinnacle card in the PC, plug the camera in and get full control.

Could it be a W98 issue?

Ps My DV Cam is a JVC


76,792 posts

283 months

Monday 20th October 2003
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That's funny. I couldn't get Pinnacle to work on my machine either (Dell machine, Win2k Pro and a Sony DV cam, so completely different to your setup).

When my new laptop arrived it had iLink / Firewire / 1394 and software already installed which worked fine, which kind of made my desktop problems moot.

Errr, so yeah, my point? You are not the only one to have problems with this package.

luca brazzi

3,981 posts

276 months

Monday 20th October 2003
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Pinnacle Studio is an excellent product for the money......when it works. Lots of folks on the Pinnacle forums and other sites report serious compatibility issues.

I'm a lucky one, who has only had a few problems, running it on XP and using a Pioneer A04 DVD-R burner.

Get a different, bog standard firewire card from Dabs at about £12. Insert and check it 'is functioning correctly' in System Hardware
Clean install of Studio, try the camera...remembering to put it into PLAY mode. (I found it doesn't matter when you turn the camera on) In XP, it recognises a new device....in Studio, I make sure I'm looking for the camera device rather than my TV Capture card.

If it fails, download the next patch, create a system restore point (does Win 2000 have these?) and install. Try again.

Download the next patch and try again and so on and so on.....the latest patch may not be the most compatible for your system.

Apologies for the wordy nonsense, feel free to get in touch if I can help you any more.
Good Luck,