Very annoying adware



Original Poster:

457 posts

263 months

Monday 20th October 2003
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Over the last few days my computer has inexplicably acquired a couple of irritating adware programs, including a couple of shitty toolbar things for IE and something that gave me chronic popup syndrome. I've got rid of most, either thru Control Panel's Add/Remove tool or by trawling the Hard Disk, and now one remains. Now whenever I type a word in the Address bar, instead of it automatically searching via MSN's engine like it used to, it hooks up to a thing called 'ShopNav', which is of no use at all. How can I reset the Predetermined Search Engine to MSN or something else, so that I can continue to use the Address bar to search? And how can I keep the ing Adware invasion at bay? How did it get in to begin with - on the back of another download perhaps???



1,198 posts

257 months


1,198 posts

257 months

Monday 20th October 2003
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I'd also recommend getting the Google toolbar. Seems to very aggresively hijack the search function and is actually useful ! - getting rid of ShopNav or go to and use their uninstall tool.

>> Edited by sparkyjohn on Monday 20th October 01:19


16,442 posts

272 months

Monday 20th October 2003
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sparkyjohn said:
I'd also recommend getting the Google toolbar. Seems to very aggresively hijack the search function and is actually useful !

If you let it... its all customisable.

Latest verison also has a built-in popup blocker as well.


7,848 posts

271 months

Monday 20th October 2003
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Install Mozilla. Sorted.