To webcam or not...



Original Poster:

6,316 posts

267 months

Sunday 19th October 2003
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As I've a decent connection speed here and friends all over the globe that I'm missing seeing once in a while, I've been kicking around with the idea of a webcam..

However, I seem to recall someone here saying something like, 'if you knew what I do about internet security you'd never bother with a webcam'. Tried and failed to find any linke to this, so does anyone know of a good reason why not? I've got the usual virus checker and firewall, plan to use MSN6..


10,430 posts

259 months

Sunday 19th October 2003
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em, I have no idea what security risks they will be talking about mate!

If you are running a NAT firewall then yes you willl have to open a few ports (well in fact, if you are running a NAT firewall you'll be hard pushed to get MSN to work with audio & webcam).

Honestly, I wouldn't worry - unless you are running a server that is on constantly and haven't taken any precautions what so ever (you have - you have a firewall which is updated regulary and an AVG prog which likewise is updated every few days) you aren't at much of a risk, webcam or not...

The question is more, do all your mates have webcams that they can use...


1,893 posts

277 months

Sunday 19th October 2003
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Psychobert said:
As I've a decent connection speed here and friends all over the globe that I'm missing seeing once in a while, I've been kicking around with the idea of a webcam..

However, I seem to recall someone here saying something like, 'if you knew what I do about internet security you'd never bother with a webcam'. Tried and failed to find any linke to this, so does anyone know of a good reason why not? I've got the usual virus checker and firewall, plan to use MSN6..

think it was me jokeing about trojan`ing users with webcams unbeknowing to them.

yea there ok m8 your prity safe from the script kiddys
as the Aiti Virus will pick them up

most of the scrip kiddys dont no how to remove the sig from them or write there own udetectable trojans

just make shaw its pointing at the wall when you dont want to be on cam lol

yea yea I know trojans are lame but they amussing when you got nothing better to do.

>> Edited by outlaw on Sunday 19th October 22:48


Original Poster:

6,316 posts

267 months

Monday 20th October 2003
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Thanks chaps.. Figured it was just the kids playing around rather than there being any serious problems in webcams per se..

IIRC, Argos have a 2 for 1 offer at the moment; might be worth a look..


267 posts

295 months

Monday 20th October 2003
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I use webcams over dialup between the UK and Australia. It's a small investment but at least it let's us communicate back home and see the family.

For the price it's excellent.