msn messenger problems


bad boy

Original Poster:

821 posts

275 months

Saturday 18th October 2003
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just downloaded msn messenger 6.0, and it keeps freezing up on sign in, roughly half the time any ideas??? tried reinstalling but didnt make any difference.

also how do you post smilies?

bad boy

Original Poster:

821 posts

275 months

Saturday 18th October 2003
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just read actually how to post smilies, why didnt i do that in the first place


1,198 posts

257 months

Saturday 18th October 2003
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Same problem. Grotmail's not working properly either. Maybe an Msoft problem today ???
Smilies ? Click -Smiles legend- in the reply window, choose your smilie, enter its name, eg: comes from : beer : minus the spaces

bad boy

Original Poster:

821 posts

275 months

Saturday 18th October 2003
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mine does it every day though,

why cant anything about computers ever fg work


1,198 posts

257 months

Saturday 18th October 2003
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I blame Bill Gates.
My posts=2/3 your posts My period of membership=1/279th yours. I <b>need</b> to get back to work


90,124 posts

295 months

Saturday 18th October 2003
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I've no problems using the normal inbuilt Windows Messenger 4.7 (this is the latest version of this one.) Haven't got MSN Messenger 6 installed. I did once and it tried to sign me in, then said I was already signed in, trying again, and again and kept doing this loop.

I think if you install MSN Messenger 6 it sometimes (in my experience anyway) fails to delete or disable the inbuilt Windows Messenger, thus they conflict when trying to sign in. Could be wrong but this is what happened when I installed it.

I'm sure there's a way to disable the inbuilt Messenger (and before anyone say's it not the Messenger in services.msc, that's something different) or delete it.


18,535 posts

257 months

Saturday 18th October 2003
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bad boy said:
mine does it every day though,

why cant anything about computers ever fg work

Because you're not using Linux. Mine works all the time...