Microstuft Windows Messenger Q



Original Poster:

1,198 posts

257 months

Saturday 18th October 2003
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Does/can Messenger give away any info about the user, other than username, to the other party in the 'conversation' eg:IP address, ISP etc ?
I ask as I need to have a quick 'chat' with someone, I've got no voice atm and I'd sooner they not realise I'm not on the company network.


12,058 posts

275 months

Saturday 18th October 2003
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Yes, but not easily. As in, it needs to know it all in order to work, but i have no idea to even start finding it all out.


Original Poster:

1,198 posts

257 months

Saturday 18th October 2003
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OK, thanks I doubt they'll dig too hard, but if the reply window (or whatever, I've never used MS Messenger) said Reply to: John Doe aka SparkyJohn @ Numptynet 123.3.321.1 that would be bad...
Maybe I need a dry run.


1,893 posts

277 months

Sunday 19th October 2003
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if you send em a file with or audio or cam chat.

your IP is a netstat away.

just text chating they your prity safe