Link to F.T. needed


jeff m

Original Poster:

4,061 posts

269 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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I'm in the US, I'm trying to get to the Financial Times web site, the UK one. The US one is no good for what I need.
I've tried searching etc, Ive linked there from other UK sites, I've typed but it always ends up at
I made cookies prompt as opposed to yes. I still get directed to the US site.

jeff m

Original Poster:

4,061 posts

269 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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Don't worry I've got there now
I just subbed UK for US in the address. You would have thought just would have been ok, It is a UK newspaper!


90,124 posts

295 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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I guess you tried ?

Or if that doesn't work try going in through one of these sneaky cover sites, the ones that hide the URL you are looking at so it's not seen by IT departments or bosses. I can't think of the name of any but there are a few about.

A bit like this (this one is doanloadable) but you can get webpages that can open other sites inside them.

Edited to say Doh, took so long to fish out that link you'd already replied and I didn't see

>> Edited by FourWheelDrift on Friday 17th October 19:44

jeff m

Original Poster:

4,061 posts

269 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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Thanks FWD,
Your answer would have done for me, I had my brain in neutral.