Does anyone use Yahoo mail?



Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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I have work e mail, but use my Yahoo to chat to Raceboy rather than it getting logged through our network. But over the past 2 days, it has been taking over 5 hours to deliver a mail, then you get one through straight away. does anyone else use it and having the same problems or is it just me?


3,164 posts

260 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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I'm on yahoo, and I've seen varying delays in delivery recently. FWD sent me two emails and they turned up in reverse order which did confuse me slightly!! Another from someone on here took two hours to arrive


>> Edited by sheepy on Friday 17th October 15:52


13,328 posts

291 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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Well your 14.22 email has just arrived
Have you read the 'Boing' email I sent you some time ago?


9,396 posts

269 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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Mail in general is grindingly slow at the moment mainly due to the raft of viruses that are hitting mail boxes everywhere


Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 17th October 2003
quotequote all
raceboy said:
Well your 14.22 email has just arrived
Have you read the 'Boing' email I sent you some time ago?

No, send it my work address x


13,328 posts

291 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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Or I could just tell you tonight


Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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raceboy said:
Or I could just tell you tonight

What?? you mean have a conversation? All i want to do is and


46,645 posts

286 months

Friday 17th October 2003
quotequote all
racegirl said:

raceboy said:
Or I could just tell you tonight

What?? you mean have a conversation? All i want to do is and

Why do you want to swear at him?


13,328 posts

291 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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racegirl said:

What?? you mean have a conversation? All i want to do is and

Well in order save time tonight then, Paul will be round after lunch tomorrow to start work on your car so we've got the morning to do Saturdays 'jobs'


11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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Raceboy, are you getting old mate??
Morning and Saturday in one sentence!


13,328 posts

291 months

Friday 17th October 2003
quotequote all
Podie said:

Why do you want to swear at him?

Theres usually a number of reasons
.Mark said:
Raceboy, are you getting old mate??
Morning and Saturday in one sentence!

Must be, just don't know what happens to the weekends it's just one endless list of 'things to do'
The current schedule is something like.....
Sat AM Go Shopping for provisions
Go to the bank
PM Fit new front springs to the Clio
Sun AM Fit wipermotor back into the TVR
PM Go to Donington

Oh and racegirl your 14.41 just arrived


12,058 posts

275 months

Friday 17th October 2003
quotequote all
racegirl said:

What?? you mean have a conversation? All i want to do is and

Well he can tell you from the other side of the bathroom door then.


Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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raceboy said:

Oh and racegirl your 14.41 just arrived

Which one? Confused by the wink?


13,328 posts

291 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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Somethink about 'if I'm lucky'


Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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oh right, well i am off home. xx