Video Camera Buying Advice



Original Poster:

34,444 posts

314 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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Right, now that is up and running I'm going to need a video camera to film some road tests, track stuff etc.

I guess the important factors will be the need to strap it to a car occasionally and ease of grabbing the video back onto the PC.

What should I buy?


16,442 posts

272 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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2,709 posts

269 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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MINI DV with DV IN/OUT for easy down/uploading and perhaps external mic inputs for keeping mics out of wind blast.

Mine is a JVC wih quality of 530 lines (broadcast quality is 640 lines) but you pays your money and takes your choice. May depend on quality required for

Editing software - PINNACLE STUDIO DV worth considering and is used by Steve Brazzi (of "Surrey run" fame - oh and me

Hope that helps!


6,555 posts

295 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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I bought a JVC from..

Last year, not sure how competitiv they are but I would echo that if you can get DV in and out you should.

Also use pinnacle DV studio 8, very easy to use and includes the firewire card.

Adobe premier is what the semi pros use.

If you are doing a lot then use a decent desktop for rendering, lots of ram V fast CPU and two hard drives (one for the data) will help things along.

Good luck



4,330 posts

281 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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The Dax owners club are curently talking about the helmet cam from here
although it is really a bullet cam


95 posts

289 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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Hi Ted,

I bought a bullet cam a year ago to mount to my helmet for mountain biking and motorcycling. This plugs into the AV IN socket of my camcorder and means that I can stow the camcorder safely in a rucksack so that if I falll off it shouldn't get smashed up, where as if the bullet cam gets damaged it's only £100 compared to over a grand for the camcorder.

This might be worth considering if you wanted to do any external shots from the car e.g. low mounted on the front Rendezvous style! It also shouldn't be affected by vibration so much as I believe this can damage some camcorders. The website mentioned above sell a complete kit with everything you need. Highly recommended.

luca brazzi

3,981 posts

276 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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The bullet cam is an excellent idea...looked into this myself (same website too )....choice of lenses too, from mild zoom to wide angle, add an external mic placed behind driver seat and the quality should be excellent.

Ted YHM by the way.