sony vaio startup fault



Original Poster:

1,938 posts

260 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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I have been given this bloomin laptop but it wont startup, it just stays in hibernation mode. i had a look on google and this seems to be fairly common however there are no replies on what to do. Can anyone help me please?


11,298 posts

283 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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Do you have the VAIO installation disks with it.. (you don't install the OS from a WIN Disk.)

If its fresh to you and you don't need anything on it data wise, I'd connect the CD drive, pop in the disk, then hold the sliding power button down until it fires up to CD (may take a few seconds).

and a VIAO PCG-Z600LEK

>> Edited by M@H on Friday 17th October 12:42


Original Poster:

1,938 posts

260 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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Thanks matt( and laptop) but i do need some info off it. I rang sony but apparantly its a non europian unit and they cant offer help.


11,298 posts

283 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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Is the battery charging alright or is it knackered.. if its below 5% charge the laptop will automatically Hibernate every time you try and boot it up.

Just a thought..


rich 36

13,739 posts

277 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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this is a comfort from where i'm typing


2,032 posts

268 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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New battery
Take the battery out for a few hours and put it in again
Hold the sliding power switch for a few seconds

Hope these help


Original Poster:

1,938 posts

260 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I have since managed to turn on the laptop by pressing F1, I was worried for a moment. Its all ok now, thanks again.