New Feature?



Original Poster:

34,443 posts

311 months

Wednesday 17th January 2001
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I'm trying something out at (must fix this URL thing not working too!) Feedback would be appreciated. Useful type of feature?


89,699 posts

292 months

Wednesday 17th January 2001
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Interesting.... How will the topics be tagged for each section? Will we have to post in the related topics or would it be automatic or would your good self or would you get some part time web monkey to transfer them manually?


Original Poster:

34,443 posts

311 months

Wednesday 17th January 2001
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Currently if you select a filtering topic then post a message it will appear with that categorisation. I probably need a drop down list for new posts so the category can be selected. Struck me it might be a means of generating a more useful FAQ type bi-product. Edited by PetrolTed on Wednesday 17th January 20:21


1,905 posts

289 months

Wednesday 24th January 2001
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If U mean the pic of the Chimp with the categories around it, then it's GOOD.