

Original Poster:

12,058 posts

275 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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No, not a box lot of Specials albums, it's Hard Drives.

Just bought 3 of these off ebay for about £50 and they seemed rather cheap. Any particular reason why? I know i need an SCA compatable cable/card/array but any other reason?


9,294 posts

276 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Scsi hdds are cheap now,

£10 for 9gb sca drives.

simply as they are really too small for server environmens now, where space is critcal (physical and logical)

you can get SCA --> LVD convertors for a few quid (tandys/maplin etc)

they dont operate that fast tho, 40mb/sec is the most I ever see out of those convertors..

But for cheap home hdds, they aint all that bad.

IDE still far cheaper tho.. 120gb drives for £65 (overclockers)

The disadvantages are noise and heat from the scsi drives.



Original Poster:

12,058 posts

275 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Cool, i'm buying them for home anyhow. 3x 9gb SCA so far, and am buying an external array for them and more.

>> Edited by agent006 on Thursday 16th October 14:40


9,294 posts

276 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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dont get too carried away with them tho.

I made the same mistake. convinced myself I could have really fast, reliable, storage.

never worked

the drives were ok'ly fast, but a decent IDE will kill them (given the age difference in technology)

they were aLOT noisier and hotter.. this REALLY makes a diff if its a home install.. i mean NOISEY!

you always get one where the bearings are dodgy and it just squeallllllls contantly

woohhhhhhm wooooooooohmmmmmmm wohhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm arrrrrrrrgh

Plus the cost of the array box, plus the cost of the scsi card, plus the scsi cable, plus the convertors.

all to get 10x9gb = 90gb..

or, £65 for a 120gb IDE

which WILL outperform them still

gl tho


Original Poster:

12,058 posts

275 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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I'm looking to have huge amounts of redundancy and generally arse around with Raid configs, so lots of drives is what i want.