Search Engine Company--



Original Poster:

3,324 posts

274 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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We have been approached by a the name of Rapid Rank who claim to be able to get small to medium size Co's to get onto leading search engines.They also claim to build a Web site,all the price of £200!+ £10 per month fees.Sounds to good to true.

Anyone had any experience of this Company?


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Probably is really.

I'm no expert in this field but as far as useage goes Google is the de facto standard and theres no way to frig it, its just too clever.


12,058 posts

275 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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There are roumours that Google can tell of you're trinyg to trick it, and shoves you down the list.


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Yeah it ignores Meta doesnt it?

If you read about the way it works its about the quality of information and the number of links from other quality sites rather than straight traffic and keyword.


9,396 posts

269 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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If you want a basic website our services start from around £250 + Vat

For the likes of (although this one did cost a little more )

>> Edited by dontlift on Thursday 16th October 12:52

>> Edited by dontlift on Thursday 16th October 12:52


11,298 posts

283 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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I built my own in notepad..

I reckon anyone with a bit of time could do the same.



7,848 posts

271 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Plotloss said:
Probably is really.

I'm no expert in this field but as far as useage goes Google is the de facto standard and theres no way to frig it, its just too clever.

It's reasonably well known how Google's PageRank algorithm works, and it is therefore possible to build link farms that cause your page to rise up the rankings. *But*, Google 'tweak' the algorithm regularly, which can cause a catastrophic plunge out of the ratings. And there's nothing you can do about it.

>> Edited by zumbruk on Thursday 16th October 13:11


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Its a fabulous bit of technology isnt it.

A properly elegant solution and a fairly significant invention in my mind.

Ever seen their job ads? I looked at one for Tech Director which stated:


PhD (Preferably 2)

Top class


9,396 posts

269 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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M@H said:
I built my own in notepad..


we prefer dreamweaver, but if you want an excellent freebie editor take a look at HTMLKit


9,294 posts

276 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Its arse.

I have had clients in the past who have paid £500 'one off' fees, to get 'garunteed' results, as expected, only thing that was garunteed was their bank was £500 lighter by the end of it.

Thats why these places charge a one off, as opposed to relying on ongoing revenue, as they know you wont ever use them after the first week, when you see how little they have done.

Whilst it is possible to maximise your search engine rankings, it takes time, effort and skilss.

not a $25 bulk submitter program from google and a cheeky £500 fee.



299 posts

265 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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what's the main search term your targeting? it's quite an easy job to get a site into the top 10 for most search terms - just got to know what to do really.

dick dastardly

8,321 posts

274 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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zumbruk said:
It's reasonably well known how Google's PageRank algorithm works, and it is therefore possible to build link farms that cause your page to rise up the rankings. *But*, Google 'tweak' the algorithm regularly, which can cause a catastrophic plunge out of the ratings. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Don't Google have something against sites which use linkfarms. I read that it is considered a form of spamming and they try to weed out the sites involved in it


4,330 posts

281 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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According to the Register, Google is disappearing up its own algorithm due to Bloggers linking to each other


11,430 posts

277 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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liszt said:
According to the Register, Google is disappearing up its own algorithm due to Bloggers linking to each other



6,555 posts

295 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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mondeoman said:

liszt said:
According to the Register, Google is disappearing up its own algorithm due to Bloggers linking to each other
