I have a problem with my 3 year old Dell pc which has an internal 3 com modem running on Windows 2000 Pro.
I use freeserve anytime at home (horrible).
At the w/e i turned the pc on to gain net access,i was unable to log on as F/S could not detect a modem?
I checked the add/delete file and my modem checked out as being present & correct.
I got a new freeserve download disc and did a retrieve my settings and all worked fine.
Logged off then back on and back to square one no modem detectable..,,,I ran a few wizards to see what the score was,,it was telling me my modem was being used by another program...significant?
I tried to turn the modem off and ended up removing it and then letting the wizard search for a modem on my pc and re-install it.
All shut down / restart as i went...i am back to square one ...Freeserve cannot detect a modem on my PC.
The wizards tell me it is funtioning,,,but i can get messages it is being usedd by other aplications..I cannot imagine what these other applications might be?
No fax application loaded onto the PC.
I am sorry for the length of the post,,this is a silly problem that hopefully someone less PC cgallenged will be able to shed some light on...Tks
I use freeserve anytime at home (horrible).
At the w/e i turned the pc on to gain net access,i was unable to log on as F/S could not detect a modem?
I checked the add/delete file and my modem checked out as being present & correct.
I got a new freeserve download disc and did a retrieve my settings and all worked fine.
Logged off then back on and back to square one no modem detectable..,,,I ran a few wizards to see what the score was,,it was telling me my modem was being used by another program...significant?
I tried to turn the modem off and ended up removing it and then letting the wizard search for a modem on my pc and re-install it.
All shut down / restart as i went...i am back to square one ...Freeserve cannot detect a modem on my PC.
The wizards tell me it is funtioning,,,but i can get messages it is being usedd by other aplications..I cannot imagine what these other applications might be?
No fax application loaded onto the PC.
I am sorry for the length of the post,,this is a silly problem that hopefully someone less PC cgallenged will be able to shed some light on...Tks
Tks for the responses guys....i will probably stick a new one in,,,should be fun?
Sybaseian,,,,scary thought,but i should be ok as there is only one phone line at home and this has been used for outside calls...unless it has a program that dials in the middle of the night!!!
I just went into PC world site as they are around the corner,,I have the choice of 50+ 56k modems....any reccomendations guys,,,before i go into the store and they sell me the one that is not selling well.
>> Edited by Clubsport on Thursday 16th October 11:29
Sybaseian,,,,scary thought,but i should be ok as there is only one phone line at home and this has been used for outside calls...unless it has a program that dials in the middle of the night!!!
I just went into PC world site as they are around the corner,,I have the choice of 50+ 56k modems....any reccomendations guys,,,before i go into the store and they sell me the one that is not selling well.
>> Edited by Clubsport on Thursday 16th October 11:29
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