Modem problem



Original Poster:

7,321 posts

269 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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I have a problem with my 3 year old Dell pc which has an internal 3 com modem running on Windows 2000 Pro.
I use freeserve anytime at home (horrible).

At the w/e i turned the pc on to gain net access,i was unable to log on as F/S could not detect a modem?

I checked the add/delete file and my modem checked out as being present & correct.

I got a new freeserve download disc and did a retrieve my settings and all worked fine.

Logged off then back on and back to square one no modem detectable..,,,I ran a few wizards to see what the score was,,it was telling me my modem was being used by another program...significant?

I tried to turn the modem off and ended up removing it and then letting the wizard search for a modem on my pc and re-install it.

All shut down / restart as i went...i am back to square one ...Freeserve cannot detect a modem on my PC.
The wizards tell me it is funtioning,,,but i can get messages it is being usedd by other aplications..I cannot imagine what these other applications might be?
No fax application loaded onto the PC.

I am sorry for the length of the post,,this is a silly problem that hopefully someone less PC cgallenged will be able to shed some light on...Tks


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Does sound like its hosed I am afraid.

Can you use the modem with another application such as the phone dialler?

If this still doesnt work then its stuffed, but modems are only pence these days...


1,826 posts

286 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Do a virus/spyware scan just to make sure that the modem hasn't been hijacked and is being used to call a premium rate number.


Original Poster:

7,321 posts

269 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Tks for the responses guys....i will probably stick a new one in,,,should be fun?
Sybaseian,,,,scary thought,but i should be ok as there is only one phone line at home and this has been used for outside calls...unless it has a program that dials in the middle of the night!!!

I just went into PC world site as they are around the corner,,I have the choice of 50+ 56k modems....any reccomendations guys,,,before i go into the store and they sell me the one that is not selling well.

>> Edited by Clubsport on Thursday 16th October 11:29


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Paul whereabouts are you in the UK, wouldnt mind lending a hand if you run into trouble, its a fairly straightfoward job and would be the least I could do after all the pointers on Porkers you gave me on Sunday.


Original Poster:

7,321 posts

269 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Plotloss...good to meet you on sunday,tks for the offer.I will stick a new one in to see how i go as you say they are cheap....Anytime on the porker advice mate, let us know when you may be closer to pulling the trigger


11,621 posts

278 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Do yourself a favour and get an external. That way you don't have to crack the box if/when it goes bad...

Just my 0.02...
