Random Cable Issues



Original Poster:

7,725 posts

294 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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I need a 5m long minijack to phono cable.....any ideas where i can get one, most people only do 1m.

I could get one made, but that will cost an arm, a leg and possibly a kidney.


2,750 posts

295 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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I assume you mean stereo 3.5mm jack to two phonos? If so, just buy the 1m 3.5mm -> phono cable, and a 4/5m stereo phono to phono cable, plus two barrel female phono->female phono connectors. Job done, if a little inelegant.

And have you tried Maplin? They make some insanely long, but reasonably priced audio/video leads.


Original Poster:

7,725 posts

294 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Marshy said:
I assume you mean stereo 3.5mm jack to two phonos? If so, just buy the 1m 3.5mm -> phono cable, and a 4/5m stereo phono to phono cable, plus two barrel female phono->female phono connectors. Job done, if a little inelegant.

And have you tried Maplin? They make some insanely long, but reasonably priced audio/video leads.

Cheers, i didnt think of that. Its a mini adventure. The End.


473 posts

288 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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I found an extension cable (2phono to 2phono) plus the standard 3.5mm jack to phono in currys/dixons a few months ago.


6,555 posts

295 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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try maplin