`windows media player



Original Poster:

39,731 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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anyone know how to select more than one track to copy to cd?


8,814 posts

265 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
quotequote all
Click the "copy to cd/ or device" and a list of your music in the media library pops up. just tick the one's you want to copy.


Original Poster:

39,731 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
quotequote all
not on my one I'm afraid, I get the black screen with 'music to copy and 'copied music' the first allows me to click on the songs in the media library but only one at a time, and nothing seems to work, cut and paste, control etc


11,621 posts

278 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
quotequote all
Create a playlist first. Click on the playlist. Copy from there...



90,123 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
quotequote all
Are you on dial-up or broadband?

If the latter then upgrade media player to the latest version, if not don't bother it'll take too long and as Ernest suggests there are ways around it.


Original Poster:

39,731 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
quotequote all
yep have a playlist but it only allows me to copy one at a time