Is my website wonky?



Original Poster:

1,413 posts

270 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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I redesigned my website myself a few weeks ago (I have a Jekyll & Hyde Nerd/Adventurer split personality ) and am fairly pleased with the results.

However, I've been a bit of a smart arse and designed it with no tables, using CSS for the stlye/positioning.

It works fine on IE6 (XP) & Mozilla/Opera, but it appears to be going wonky on older browsers.

Does it work for you?!



48,927 posts

259 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Looks good on IE 5.50


6,555 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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At the risk of pissing the ludites of the world off I would say that if you support browsers over version 5 (IE and Nutscrape, spit) and opera then you will catch 99.99% of the population.

Trawl the net for some stats, the vast majority of folks run IE 5 and above.


Waiting with flameproof jacket on


90,125 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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I agree with David.

I thought Mozilla was a giant Japanese lizard standing 30 stories high.


Original Poster:

1,413 posts

270 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Indeed. It's just that I had a snotty call after an interview yesterday saying the site was "broken".

He was using "a Mac" but couldn't be more specific.


90,125 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Trooper1212 is a mac user. I'll email him to have a look (I think he uses OSX)


Original Poster:

1,413 posts

270 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Cheers Darren. It does something slightly strange in Safari (Mac browser) but this chap was suggesting the site was essentially unreadable/usable

Mad Dave

7,158 posts

274 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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It loads for me mate, and looks bloody good

Only problem for me is when i hover on the link images at the bottom, the URL to go to appears in teh bar at the bottom of the page, but nowt happens when i click?!


9,457 posts

263 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Fine for me on OSX and the latest version of Safari. A couple of display niggles on IE5.2


7,916 posts

266 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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I run OSX and tried on Safari and it works fine, slight problem with a "Next Exhibition..." piece being lodged in the centre. Nothing drastic and the rest of the site works fine. Nice one.



1,536 posts

263 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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Hmmmmm, you said you designed the site yourself yet at the top of the page it says in little letters "Site design and development - Crash Media". Being an explorer living in the UK I doubt you work for a Canadian media company. Of course I may just be too cynical and will happily stand corrected.......

It's just that it looks like a you're ingeniously trying to create more traffic for your site by getting us all to click on it.

>> Edited by jam1et on Thursday 23 October 15:17


90,125 posts

295 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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jam1et said:
Hmmmmm, you said you designed the site yourself yet at the top of the page it says in little letters "Site design and development - Crash Media". Being an explorer living in the UK I doubt you work for a Canadian media company. Of course I may just be too cynical and will happily stand corrected.......

It's just that it looks like a you're ingeniously trying to create more traffic for your site by getting us all to click on it.

>> Edited by jam1et on Thursday 23 October 15:17

Try looking at the right website, the Ben Saunders one not the North Pole 2003 one.


20,854 posts

286 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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Anyway, site looks good from here...

...might send Mrs Beano off to that new branch of Marks and Sparks.....


591 posts

273 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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Site looks fine

Windows XP - IE6.02....

Wearing spectacles by my local optician in SW London.

Got to say I admire those who always strive and push limits. We are all explorers by heart, some more than others.

well done !


Original Poster:

1,413 posts

270 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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jam1et said:
It's just that it looks like a you're ingeniously trying to create more traffic for your site by getting us all to click on it.

No no no, if I wanted to create traffic, I'd do something like ski to the North Pole, or get on the front page of the New York Times Technology supplement, or be interviewed on the BBC Breakfast & lunchtime news

The Flash site (North Pole 2003) was designed by Crash!Media in Toronto, the rest (Ben Saunders) is my own work.

>> Edited by polar_ben on Friday 24th October 18:54


18,535 posts

257 months

Thursday 23rd October 2003
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Works fine for me in Phoenix 0.4 (basically just the browser bit of Mozilla: it calls itself "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2b) Gecko/20021029 Phoenix/0.4")

FourWheelDrift said:

I thought Mozilla was a giant Japanese lizard standing 30 stories high.

Many a true word is spoken in jest... that's where they got the name from, that's why they have a lizard logo and stick lizard references in whenever they get a chance...


1,536 posts

263 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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FourWheelDrift said:

Try looking at the right website, the Ben Saunders one not the North Pole 2003 one.

I therefore stand well and truly corrected Appologies.


Original Poster:

1,413 posts

270 months

Friday 24th October 2003
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jam1et said:

I therefore stand well and truly corrected Appologies.


12,425 posts

277 months

Saturday 25th October 2003
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Ben, everything works fine with Mozilla 1.5, Firebird 0.7, but Konqueror 3.1.4 seems to have issues:

Mail me, if you want the 100% size version


1,198 posts

257 months

Saturday 25th October 2003
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Which might affect approximately 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of your target audience