Should PC generated mpegav work on Apple mac?

Should PC generated mpegav work on Apple mac?



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2,709 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Burned onto a cd that is.

CD won`t play the video so is there a way around it? Could I email (via attachment) the "mpegav" file to the mac or perhaps generate as a "Real" or "WMV" file?


90,124 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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What do you mean by "CD won't play the video" do you mean on your PC? If it's an AVI file (MPEG) it should play on your PC if you have the right drivers and player.

It should also play on a Mac as all MPEG files are compatible (have players and drivers on PC's and Mac's). WMV's are really only Windows/PC only as standard but you can get stand alone players for the Mac that can read and play WMV.

So yes you can but is it not also worth getting the PC sorted too, or is it a works PC that your IT department has said you can't modify?


1,217 posts

290 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Some MPEG encodings don't work on macs 'out of the box'.

Copy the file off the CD to the HD, and check this page for info




Original Poster:

2,709 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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FourWheelDrift said:
What do you mean by "CD won't play the video" do you mean on your PC? If it's an AVI file (MPEG) it should play on your PC if you have the right drivers and player.

It should also play on a Mac as all MPEG files are compatible (have players and drivers on PC's and Mac's). WMV's are really only Windows/PC only as standard but you can get stand alone players for the Mac that can read and play WMV.

So yes you can but is it not also worth getting the PC sorted too, or is it a works PC that your IT department has said you can't modify?

CD generated on my PC at home and works fine on this (and others) but not on a friends Apple mac (who the video is for). I`ll check out what "Sparks" has suggested thus far. Thanks.


90,124 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Ah I see.

Any PC or MAC needs the right drivers/codecs for the file it's trying to read if the original video is saved using any audio/video compression.

What did you use to save it, do you know what compression types you used?


1,217 posts

290 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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I think MPEGAV is avi format, which quicktime won't play unless you have the codec. Also there are issues where QT5 will play 'clean' avi's but QT6 won't.

Best method is to get another player for the mac.
I currently convert (using DIVX validator) avi's so that I can play them using QT.



Original Poster:

2,709 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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FourWheelDrift said:
Ah I see.

Any PC or MAC needs the right drivers/codecs for the file it's trying to read if the original video is saved using any audio/video compression.

What did you use to save it, do you know what compression types you used?

Not off hand FWD, I`ll have a look and come back later. Thanks for your help.


Original Poster:

2,709 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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FWD and Sparks:

I`m using "Pinnacle Studio" software for making the vids and there seems to be quite a choice!!

The cd already made was via the choice: "Make disk" and doesn`t show any details. It does however look exactly the same as: "Make mpeg file"

The other choice (that I have not used) is: "Make AVI file" and this has some alternatives!

There is a box (Un ticked at present) for "list all codecs"

Compression shows "DV video encoder" as present choice with "Indeo video" and "Cinepak codec" by radius as alternatives.

Thats it really. I do not know anything about Macs (and I don`t think the person this video is for does either!) but all videos I`ve made previous to this (all for PCs - and some family vids have been sent to NZ and Aus) have had no problems at all, whether they were mpegs or wmv etc.

I thought I might have problems with this one


90,124 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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iandbeech said:
Compression shows "DV video encoder" as present choice with "Indeo video" and "Cinepak codec" by radius as alternatives.

Only 2 choices pity. Well working with Indeo the codecs for OS8 and OS9 can be downloaded from the apple website - - search for Indeo and download the right one for the OS.

Cinepak codec for Mac can be downloaded from here -

It won't harm the Mac if both are installed.

iandbeech said:

I thought I might have problems with this one

You can say that again

Lets hope it's just the video compression that was playing up and not the audio.

If you ever have the choice DiVX is the better compatible compression for video to go for, because so many people will already have the codecs.


1,217 posts

290 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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I think I would suggest that your friend investigates alternative players (give them 'thexlab' link).

I don't know anything about pinnacle, but assume it is writing VCD format.
I think they will have to copy the data file off the cd to their hard drive and then open QT. Then open the file, and they might be lucky in that it plays.

I have some VCD's that I had to put through the DIVX validator to get them to work.

How big is the file? Could you host it somewhere and I would be more than happy to work out how your friend could play it, although I won't have access to my mac until the w/e.


edited to add: FWD knows more than I do! and I was interupted half way through typing, so did not see his post before submitting. Offer still stands thou'

>> Edited by Sparks on Wednesday 15th October 11:03


Original Poster:

2,709 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Ok, thanks FWD and Sparks.

I`ll check out the Pinnacle software a bit more and I`ll have a go at an AVI file and ticking the "List all codecs" box to see if that will do anything!!

BT coming soon to fit second line so will be offline for a while but thanks so far!!


1,942 posts

285 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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i have a mac running os x. quicktime not great but was recommended this by a fellow ph'er
called vlc and works on mac and pc



9,457 posts

263 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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The indeo codec won't work on OSX, so if your friend has that he will need to revert back to classic to be able to play it.


Original Poster:

2,709 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Blimey, this is getting technical! I think I`ll have a look at her computer and see what its running. Or else I`ll generate it onto DV tape instead.


90,124 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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I think it might get to stage where you have to draw it out on paper and flick the pages

Apple Mac's and they say Windows PC have compatibility problems


Original Poster:

2,709 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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FourWheelDrift said:
I think it might get to stage where you have to draw it out on paper and flick the pages

Apple Mac's and they say Windows PC have compatibility problems

You`re not wrong there

She has a DVD player so I might put onto a DVD disk - there won`t be any technical problems with non reading etc will there (knowing the answers "yes"!)

Wouldn`t mind but its only a video of her dog! I`ll tell her to buy a PC.

>> Edited by iandbeech on Wednesday 15th October 16:04


11,589 posts

295 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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FourWheelDrift said:
I think it might get to stage where you have to draw it out on paper and flick the pages

Apple Mac's and they say Windows PC have compatibility problems

But the difference is that Mac have compatibility problems with software that isn't specifically written for them - whereas Windows PCs have compatibility problems with software that IS specifically written for them!

You can't blame Apple for Microsoft not releasing OS-X Indeo codecs.