Any Broadband deals out there?



Original Poster:

11,617 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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I suppose the time has come to retire my Modem.

Does anyone know of any good deals on Broadband? I have no access to NTL or any kind of cable in my area so it has to be the BT type line.

They all seem to be £27/28 per month for 10X, free modem & connection. Tiscali do a 5X for £20 per month but don't fancy that.

Anyone doing any better?



8,837 posts

259 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Was about to suggest NTL ....but you don't have it


Original Poster:

11,617 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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They don't have things like NTL where I live I am in a small little known place called North London



67,280 posts

281 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Bulldog banner on this very site...


2,977 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Nildram - excellent service, good range of connectivity options, fast delivery and setup. A friend of mine who knows NOTHING (and I do mean nothing) about computers managed to set up their system very quickly on his own, thanks to their clear help and instructions.

They also rate very highly on


8,893 posts

278 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Not again, do a search!


29 posts

259 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Hi - we got Pipex Broadband recently - no charge for modem - pay 23 quid a month with VAT - they seem pretty good....


46,645 posts

286 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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manek said:
Nildram - excellent service, good range of connectivity options, fast delivery and setup. A friend of mine who knows NOTHING (and I do mean nothing) about computers managed to set up their system very quickly on his own, thanks to their clear help and instructions.

They also rate very highly on

I'd agree with Manek, Nildram seem to be very good... yet to hear a duff report.


7,916 posts

266 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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mrstrackdemon said:
Hi - we got Pipex Broadband recently - no charge for modem - pay 23 quid a month with VAT - they seem pretty good....

I'm with pipex too. Can't fault them. Rico


6,555 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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I've just signed up with pipex, £23 inc per month, no sign up fee. It was between them, elcipse and freedom to surf.



1,381 posts

277 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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I am currently with freeserve and want to go broadband, if I use any other provider will I have to change my e.mail address ?


6,555 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Rower said:
I am currently with freeserve and want to go broadband, if I use any other provider will I have to change my e.mail address ?

It depends if you have your own domain, or a freeserve adddress. You always have the option of ADSL with another provider keep freeserve for a few months until everyone knows your new address then bin it.



16,442 posts

272 months

Wednesday 15th October 2003
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Rower said:
I am currently with freeserve and want to go broadband, if I use any other provider will I have to change my e.mail address ?

You should be able to pick up your email from their Pop3 server using your favorite mail client via a different ISP.
However, I believe that Freeserve might disconnect your account if you don't log in to it frequently enough (once per 30 days, or is that 90 days?)


Original Poster:

11,617 posts

269 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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tuffer said:

Not again, do a search!

Has it ever occurred to you that things change every day in computing?



591 posts

273 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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My favourite two : Nildram and Pipex !

A friends been with Pipex dial up for over 6 years and has only had one problem which was resolved in a couple of hours.

ADSL modems cost around £50 now (they used to be £150)
so if you can get a better deal without one go for it and buy the modem.

You could also get a ADSL MODEM /4 port / router+firewall which allows a few computers to share the broadband line (useful for homes).

These cost around £80 - A hardware firewall is very useful. There are software firewalls available such as the free Zonealarm from Zonelabs.
Windows XP comes with one as well which you can enable.

This is important as having a broadband connection allows *hackers* a big fat pipe into your computer to play with.

Good Luck and welcome on board the broadband *band* wagon

cue music

Rolling, rolling...rolling



1,826 posts

286 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Rower said:
I am currently with freeserve and want to go broadband, if I use any other provider will I have to change my e.mail address ?

to cut a long story short, after many takeovers of my ISP I ended up with Tiscali for an anytime dialup connection which was always on. They decided to limit me to 150 hours per month so I started looking for broadband and ended up with Freedom to Surf.

I've kept my old email addresses from Tiscali by changing to a pay as you go scheme which I never dial and therefore doesn't cost me anything. You will need to change your SMTP address for outgoing mail as you will need to login to your new Service providers outgoing mail server, but keep the POP3 address of the old service provider to download your emails.


10,005 posts

284 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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me to signed up for pipex last week, although it doesn't start for a couple of weeks, be glad to get off Tiscali though. I'll hopefully go to pipex's 1MB line £33 a short trial period

>> Edited by Viper on Thursday 16th October 21:01


Original Poster:

11,617 posts

269 months

Thursday 16th October 2003
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Viper said:
me to signed up for pipex last week, although it doesn't start for a couple of weeks, be glad to get off Tiscali though. I'll hopefully go to pipex's 1MB line £33 a short trial period

>> Edited by Viper on Thursday 16th October 21:01

What was wrong with Tiscali?



11,956 posts

281 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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With pipex, can't fault em.


12,058 posts

275 months

Friday 17th October 2003
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ribol said:

tuffer said:

Not again, do a search!

Has it ever occurred to you that things change every day in computing?


Yes, but the best ADSL service is unlikely to change in 2 weeks.

I'm on Zen who are quite good (1 month min contract)
Also use nildram, who are equally good.
Used to use Pipex who have a good service but the moment you want to do anyhting complex (like cancel your account) they haven't a clue.