Processor Upgrade



Original Poster:

7,725 posts

294 months

Monday 13th October 2003
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Ive currently got a AMD Duron 800 and was thinking of a processor upgrade to speed things up a bit.

I dont really know much about things like this, but ive been told an AMD Athlon 2000 XP will drop in no problem

is this true as i dont really want to change the motherboard. If not, what should / could i get?

Cheers guys



20,854 posts

286 months

Monday 13th October 2003
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Depends on a number of things. First check whether the mobo was designed for it - or will you need to flash the bios or anything. False economy to get a new processor only to find you need a new mobo too.

Just because you've a better processor doesn't necessarily mean everything will be quicker.


Original Poster:

7,725 posts

294 months

Monday 13th October 2003
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beano500 said:
or will you need to flash the bios or anything.


I know it wont make everything quicker, but im upgrading gradually, so quicker/bigger HD and a lot more memory are also on the cards, not in any particular order.


16,442 posts

272 months

Tuesday 14th October 2003
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What make and model is your motherboard?


6,555 posts

295 months

Tuesday 14th October 2003
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I went down this route, some investigation revealed that the ASUS MB that the Duron was in would not support a really decent processor so I ended up with a new MB, new Memory, new graphics and a new processor! I bought a HDD whilst I was at it

All in all about £300 from overclockers and the machine bloody flies (XP2500 barton)
