Windows Media Player



Original Poster:

4,546 posts

264 months

Sunday 12th October 2003
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How do I make Windows Media Player as my default player.
When I download the Quicktime player, then a lot of my existing files open up using Quicktime, and I dont want them to. I would only like to open files up using Quicktime only if the file is only avalable with quicktime.
I prefer WMP.

chris watton

22,481 posts

271 months

Sunday 12th October 2003
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open Windows media Player, then click on Tools located at the top left of the Player (It's next to Favorites and Help)
when in tools, go to the Options tab and open that up.
In the options screen click on File Types and open that up.
You should see a screen which says- Select the file types for which you want Windows Media Player to be the default player-
Click on 'Select all', or tick the boxes you want to use the files for WMP with, and then press OK.
You should now be able to have WMP back as the default.


>> Edited by chris watton on Sunday 12th October 19:08


Original Poster:

4,546 posts

264 months

Sunday 12th October 2003
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Cheers Chris.


9,325 posts

286 months

Sunday 12th October 2003
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What version of Windows are you using? If it's XP (and I *think* 2000 and NT), it's right-click on a movie file --> open with --> choose program --> pick WMP --> ticj the box that says 'alwys use this program to open this type of file (or something similar) --> OK