Dumbass mac question



Original Poster:

7,916 posts

266 months

Sunday 12th October 2003
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What's the mac equivalent of ctrl-alt-del????

Only had one program crash and that was Word-X... typical Microsh*t... (but cheers Paul )

It crashed but i carried on working on other programs for a few hours without problems. I love Macs...

Cheers all. Rico


3,337 posts

273 months

Sunday 12th October 2003
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Can you give us a clue what ctrl-alt-del is supposed to do?
In OS9:
Apple-Option-Esc: tries to force quit a programme
Apple-Ctrl-Del: Forces a restart (I think - it's two of the three keys and delete, but if I try it, I'll restart my computer, won't I?)


9,457 posts

263 months

Sunday 12th October 2003
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In OSX, alt-apple-esc will bring up the force kill program list.


13,931 posts

266 months

Monday 13th October 2003
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trooper1212 said:
In OSX, alt-apple-esc will bring up the force kill program list.

This works most of the time but can often get into a loop and doesn't. When this occurs, there's two options;

On older Macs, round the back or on the side of the series one iMacs, there's a tiny hole with a Trinagle in a circle icon. Poke the end of a paperclip in there and the computer will re-start. On newer macs, the hole is now a tiny button (thankfully!)

Failing that - un-plug it!