Halo on the PC



Original Poster:

6,110 posts

270 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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Anyone else bought this? Anyone else seriously disappointed? Runs like a complete dog on my new PC: 3.2GHz P4/1Gb RAM/256mb Geforce FX5600. Considering it a three year old game engine, to get an average of less than 20fps at 800 x 600 with all details settings to minimum is appalling

Well, that's my plans for the weekend out the window


9,325 posts

286 months

Saturday 11th October 2003
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A pirated version runs fine in 800x600 on my friend's Athlon 2200XP with a 128 MB GeForce4, but the zoom didn't work. Haven't got any fps numbers though, I'll look when I'm over there next.


1,155 posts

261 months

Saturday 11th October 2003
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If we could get HDTV's in the UK, the Xbox would run Halo at 50-60fps at a resolution of 1900x1400 (or something huge like that!).

Buy an Xbox (if you haven't already) and get Halo to pass the time before Halo 2 comes out in the spring.

Subject to any further release delays, of course.


Original Poster:

6,110 posts

270 months

Saturday 11th October 2003
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mungo said:
It's for this reason games consoles are always best for games

With all due respect dear chap, that's complete bollocks!

This is down to nothing more than marketing and release dates having priority over coding the damn thing properly. Microsoft were obviously very keen to release on the same day Half-Life 2 was due and rushed an unfinished product out the door - very foolish move as no one believed for a second that HL2 wuld appear on this date. I have no doubt there will be patches down the line to address the poor performance and as much as I'd like to ay it's yet another example of Microsoft showing contempt for their user base it is in fact par for the course in the PC games market these day: release first, patch later.

Sad. Very sad.

Incidently, I bought an XBox just so I could play Halo and Project Gotham, but I've never been able to get on with console controllers - give me a mouse and keyboard any day!


1,431 posts

267 months

Saturday 11th October 2003
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I agree with Mungo... except for 1st Person Shooter games, then you can't beat a mouse and keyboard.


Original Poster:

6,110 posts

270 months

Saturday 11th October 2003
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rich-uk said:
I agree with Mungo... except for 1st Person Shooter games, then you can't beat a mouse and keyboard.

90%+ of the games I play are first person shooters... D'oh!


5,786 posts

275 months

Saturday 11th October 2003
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Agree with you Mungo

Consoles have their place. Certain types of games suit it, like multiplayer games, shoot-em ups and other arcadey style games.

But for indepth games and realism the PC wins hands down. I only use mine to play racing sims and a few flight sims


3,829 posts

285 months

Sunday 12th October 2003
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The problem is Halo was designed for the XBox, the Xbox has Two CPU's, 2 Graphics Cards, a stupid number of Gigs of RAM and is dedicated to just running the game that you are playing.

Your PC erm, doesn't and what else is it doing while your playing HALO.

For the TRUE HALO EXPERIENCE, BUy an XBOx, you WILL NOT regret it


36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 12th October 2003
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Halo was ment to be a dual PC/Mac release but Msoft bought Bungie and then kept it for the X box first, at least thats how I understood it.

>> Edited by jmorgan on Sunday 12th October 13:05


1,950 posts

262 months

Sunday 12th October 2003
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tvradict said:
The problem is Halo was designed for the XBox, the Xbox has Two CPU's, 2 Graphics Cards, a stupid number of Gigs of RAM and is dedicated to just running the game that you are playing.

errrr.... 1 x P3 processor, 1 x GeForce '3.5' gpu, 64mb Ram - not exactly mind blowing hardware in this day and age.


1,155 posts

261 months

Sunday 12th October 2003
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ek993 said:
not exactly mind blowing hardware in this day and age.

Agreed. But the console was designed with the sole intention of playing games. It's optimized to run games so doesn't need to have specs similar to high-end pc's that have to be able to do everything.

It also keeps to price down too. And £129 for the Xbox is pocket money in my opinion.


893 posts

286 months

Sunday 12th October 2003
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jsr said:

ek993 said:
not exactly mind blowing hardware in this day and age.

It's optimized to run games so doesn't need to have specs similar to high-end pc's that have to be able to do everything.

It the other way around, the games are optimised to run on the Xbox. You can do that more effectively when you've got a single fixed hardware platform.


3,167 posts

284 months

Sunday 12th October 2003
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Yes Halo was first demonstrated on a Mac way back in 2000!

I believe they rushed the game as it doesn't have co-operative mode, poor multiplayer (moderating and chat) and the textures are a bit simple.

Yes it's not very optimaised either but I think they'll patch it and you'll have a killer game!


16,442 posts

272 months

Monday 13th October 2003
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Glad I found this thread. Was about to post a "Has anyone tried Halo on the PC yet?" before rushing down to the shops. Seems that there's not much point at the moment.

I nearly bought an X-Box a while ago for the sole purpose of playing Halo

{edited to add:} Yes, the XBox is simply a cut-down PC running a bastardised version of Windoze2k. The only advantage it has over a PC for playing games is that the hardware is a known quantity, which makes life much easier for the developers / testers... hence a polished performance.

>> Edited by pdV6 on Monday 13th October 13:28


67,280 posts

281 months

Monday 13th October 2003
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Driving - Console.

Everything else should be taken on merits. Theres very little difference between consoles and PC's these days anyway.


3,167 posts

284 months

Monday 13th October 2003
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Don't know why they can't release Soul Calibur 2 on the PC...

After all they can make football games which require a lot of buttons