Microsoft Powerpoint to Word document

Microsoft Powerpoint to Word document



Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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Well, I think my role has just changed from Sales and Marketing Manager to Secretary. One of my bosses has asked me to create a word document, that is originally in Powerpoint. I thought it would be as easy to just copy and paste, but not, and I am shocking in Word as all I do in it is type the odd report or fax and mainly use excel. The document is in Landscape set up with lots of little boxes etc. If anyone can help me I don't mind forwarding on the documents so they can have a look at the layout. Please help, it's Friday and need an early finish. thanks


7,922 posts

272 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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Do you have Adobe Acrobat? You could always save it as a PDF and then Edit > Copy File to Clipboard. You then paste the Clipboard into Word. You'll need to do a bit of fiddling with the format in Word, but at least you won't need to retype the whole thing.

Any use?


Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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Thanks for the advice. But when i click in save as i don't have an option to save as PDF
Its really doing my head in!!


7,922 posts

272 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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How big's the file? I'm working in a translation package at the moment that allows me to export PPT files in a single Word table. You'll need to reformat the whole thing with page breaks and stuff, but again you'll avoid having to type it up.

Is it small enough to send, or is it full of hi-res graphics and stuff??


Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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It's just a 2 page document which is 2.78 MB?? can I send it you?


7,922 posts

272 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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racegirl said:
It's just a 2 page document which is 2.78 MB?? can I send it you?

Sure. Mail me your e-mail address and I'll send you an address you can send it to.

I can't promise the output will be 100%, but it'll be okay I should think...


90,122 posts

295 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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Save it as a webpage to your desktop.

Find the HTML icon for it then double click it.

You can now right click and chose "select all" and copy and paste it all into a Word document. Make sure you have VIEW/PRINT LAYOUT or VIEW WEB LAYOUT chosen from the menu at the top.

Does this work for you?


Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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FourWheelDrift said:
Save it as a webpage to your desktop.

Find the HTML icon for it then double click it.

You can now right click and chose "select all" and copy and paste it all into a Word document. Make sure you have VIEW/PRINT LAYOUT or VIEW WEB LAYOUT chosen from the menu at the top.

God, that sounds really complicated. I am not very technical with these computers, I can do what I need to do, and thats about it! whats HTML etc?
Does this work for you?


Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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See, I can't even quote properly


90,122 posts

295 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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racegirl said:

FourWheelDrift said:
Save it as a webpage to your desktop.

Find the HTML icon for it then double click it.

You can now right click and chose "select all" and copy and paste it all into a Word document. Make sure you have VIEW/PRINT LAYOUT or VIEW WEB LAYOUT chosen from the menu at the top.

Does this work for you?

God, that sounds really complicated. I am not very technical with these computers, I can do what I need to do, and thats about it! whats HTML etc?

find the little blue explorer "E" icon on the desktop called the same as the original powerpoint presentation and click on it twice.


5,160 posts

270 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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If you're using a fairly recent version of word just open the html in word then save as a word doc.


90,122 posts

295 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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gopher said:
If you're using a fairly recent version of word just open the html in word then save as a word doc.

Nope, it saves the HTML as a Powerpoint generated file so as soon as you try to open it in Word it will open Powerpoint instead. Already checked that.

(I'm Office 2000 pro)


Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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Am I being thick!! I might just sack it off, go to the pub and worry about it Monday!!


Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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I am on windows XP???


90,122 posts

295 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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racegirl said:
Am I being thick!! I might just sack it off, go to the pub and worry about it Monday!!

One word for it then as it's a Friday - delegate!

There must be someone you can I mean do it for you.


7,922 posts

272 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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Did you get my mail?


Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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SGirl, got your mail, thanks, its on its way.
And FWD the teams P.A left at 2pm for week in Turkey, and no one till Monday!!


7,922 posts

272 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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Racegirl, YHM!


14,622 posts

270 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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Sorry - got here late.

If you don't want to edit it, then save it as a "emf". You then can save every page. It creates a directory with an EMF file for each page, which you can then re-import back into Word one-per-page.

You can find the emf option in File.. Save As... under the "Save as Type:" drop down menu.

If all you want is the text, then just save as "Outline/RTF" - it'll give you an RTF file that you can then open in word and it will have all the text appropiatly formatted.

If you still can't work it out, email it to me and I'll do it all for you and email it back.