Getting rid of Suzi Linux....
I currently have a 30GB HD on my PC (will soon be upgrading that to 120GB) and I have 10 GB for Windows 2000, in partition C:, I have 5 GB for Windows ME in Partition D: and for some strange reason have 15GB for Suzi Linux in partition Non Existant because Windows can't see the fecking thing. I put it like that last year when I was still at college and haven't got round to getting rid of it, but now I;ve forgotten how to do it. And to cap it all off, I've lost the 6CD's
Anyone offer any help!
Step by Step guide to getting shot of it.

Anyone offer any help!
Step by Step guide to getting shot of it.
Although I'd recommend working and learning on Linux
, my suggestion is to use W2K's 'volume manager' (don't know the actual term for the English version) to format the Linux partition with the FAT file system to make it available for ME and 2K.
When you don't get around with that, see if you can download CD1 of any SuSE Linux version to format the root partition to FAT, and mount it to Windows then.
Nerding around with Linux gave me a job which pays me more than I need for my student life, because the company I work for moved from Unix to Windows 2000, and now plans to migrate to Linux on their CAD workstations.

When you don't get around with that, see if you can download CD1 of any SuSE Linux version to format the root partition to FAT, and mount it to Windows then.
Nerding around with Linux gave me a job which pays me more than I need for my student life, because the company I work for moved from Unix to Windows 2000, and now plans to migrate to Linux on their CAD workstations.
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