ADSL Router



Original Poster:

6,932 posts

262 months

Thursday 9th October 2003
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Anyone recommend an ADSL router (on bt broadband) for running 3 pc's?


Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

269 months

Thursday 9th October 2003
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I've used most of the domestic routers, Dlink, 3Com and US robotics.

I've got a Dlink504? in a remote office running as a gateway for 3 pcs on a little switch and its not droped since instalation in August last year. They also seem to have alot of options far more than I know what it does.

So I'd go for a D Link.


12,058 posts

275 months

Thursday 9th October 2003
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DLink DSL504 is good.
Nokia IP55 better.

My new alcatel has a nice program that lets you configure it easily. have them (Speed Touch 510) for £45.


3,280 posts

294 months

Thursday 9th October 2003
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DLink DSL-300G+

Cheap at £74 and next day from Works well and easy to configure. Works with BT ADSL services and not bad at all.

Nokia IP55 is good, but expensive.


25,139 posts

295 months

Thursday 9th October 2003
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pbrettle said:
Works with BT ADSL services...
How is it possible to tell whether a router will work with a particular ADSL service?

Should they all work, or is it a case of some working better than others?

I need a wireless router to plug into my BT ADSL service: any suggestions?


8,164 posts

283 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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agent006 said:
DLink DSL504 is good.
Nokia IP55 better.

I've got a Nokia IP55 - great bit of kit, dead easy to set up and use, and a fulle 100mBit 4 way switch built in.


4,001 posts

293 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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All routers should work well with BT it's when you get off BT you can get problems. D Link and US Robotics are fine on other ADSL suppliers however I had a 3Com router which kept dropping on Pipex after being dragged into the technical scenario it turns out the servers that BT use from Cisco to deal with the Non BT ADSL traffic don't properly support some of the language and hence they were causing the 3COM to drop the connection. This eventually meant 3COM removed all there domestic router products...


6,025 posts

294 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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Fatboy said:

agent006 said:
DLink DSL504 is good.
Nokia IP55 better.

I've got a Nokia IP55 - great bit of kit, dead easy to set up and use, and a fulle 100mBit 4 way switch built in.

I have a Dlink 500.
there is a security rick with these in that you cannot change the default telnet password ...
try it ... password is private ..

also they have firmware issues with MSN6 at present


Original Poster:

6,932 posts

262 months

Friday 10th October 2003
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pbrettle said:
DLink DSL-300G+

Cheap at £74 and next day from Works well and easy to configure. Works with BT ADSL services and not bad at all.

Nokia IP55 is good, but expensive.

The D-Link DSL-300G+ although good, doesn't have a switch built in, plus i can get it for 52+vat from my supplier.

the D-Link DSL-504 ADSL Router with 4port 10/100 Switch, is 72+vat unless someone knows somewhere cheaper?


7,563 posts

276 months

Saturday 11th October 2003
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Have used a Solwise SAR110 at home since Jan - no problems, very feature packed and completely stable.

If you need the extra ports to put PCs on (if you don't already have a switch), the SAR715 would be a better bet. Have put a couple of them in small offices and they've been great. Nice solid metal cases too.