corporate email reporting



Original Poster:

407 posts

260 months

Thursday 9th October 2003
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our email system has kind of been lumbered onto me for a short while..we use exchange 5.5 and outlook 98/2000 clients.
ive been asked if we can run reports on number of emails rec'd/sent by our there anything within exchange that can do this already or is it 3rd party s/w i need to look at, if so any recommendations?

ta, Danny.


6,554 posts

295 months

Thursday 9th October 2003
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You can use the message tracking thing in exchange system manager to get a manual overview of what is happening (select the user and the dates and get a list of what when out).

Not a proper report but it will give you a start, if you leave the user field blank it will report all email out or in for that period.



11,621 posts

278 months

Thursday 9th October 2003
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Try adding on GFI "mail essentials"

Has some very nice reporting features and anti-spam as well.
