
Boosted LS1

Original Poster:

21,198 posts

271 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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I keep getting this pop up despite using Norton A/v. It says 'from my computer, rollocks. I can't copy it to the trash can or even click onto it. Anybody know if it's a site I should enter or how I can get rid of it? It's becoming a bit of a pain and I think it's junk.


3,544 posts

273 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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Download and run SpyBot and AdAware-6 - should fix it. Run both once a week and surprise yourself how much stuff has ended up in your registry and elsewhere.


736 posts

261 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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Is it a "Messenger" pop up? If it is you need to stop the messenger service in windows.

Boosted LS1

Original Poster:

21,198 posts

271 months

Thursday 9th October 2003
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Thanks, it could be a messenger pop up. It's grey, bland and starts "your computer could be leaking over the internet" etc.

If it is messenger can you give me a quick outline on how to delete it.

>> Edited by Boosted LS1 on Thursday 9th October 08:45


1,413 posts

270 months

Thursday 9th October 2003
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If you're using XP, do what I did & install XP Anti-Spy - www.xp-antispy.org/

The site's in German, but it's easy enough to navigate. Free download & a great bit of software - turns off dozens of things XP does behind your back.


736 posts

261 months

Thursday 9th October 2003
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How to get rid of messenger pop ups (I've only tried this on XP, but it worked fine and dandy):

Hit the Start button and get the Run input box up. Type in "services.msc /s" and hit run and it brings up all your Services. Find the one called Messenger, right click and select Properties. Find the drop down labelled "startup type" or similar and it will be set to "Automatic", change it to "manual". Then it wont keep starting the service when you boot up. Now you wanna stop it so it doesn't annoy you before you reboot, and you can normally stop it from here as well, but if not, close the dialog, go back to the messenger service and right click it again, and select stop. Job done.


2,390 posts

290 months

Saturday 11th October 2003
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best thing I've found for getting rid of popups and any other spyware type stuff is Ad-Aware from Lavasoft.

You can download it free from


the website for the company is www.lavasoftusa.com

Do an update every now and again as they're always bring out new lists of spyware for the program to search for. Dead easy to use to.


22,612 posts

272 months

Boosted LS1

Original Poster:

21,198 posts

271 months

Sunday 12th October 2003
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Daz, that's what I was after. Thanks guys. My system is windows 2000 Pro so the link was spot on.