Free Colour Printer/Copier



Original Poster:

13,930 posts

266 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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We have an Agfa XC707 colour laser printer/copier. complete with server. It works fine. We've finished the lease on it and the company doesn't want it back.

It would suit a design studio as it prints oversize A3 and the quality is excellent.

Sounds daft but it's actually worthless but it's shame just to bin it.

If any one wants it - get in touch.

You will have to collect it (it's in Basildon).

Call me (Steve) on 07970 717041 or 01268 271858.



10,430 posts

259 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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wow, what sort of size is it? I ask becuase I am sure the school local me would take it.

Then again, a school local to you would take it as well... Would be a good idea to ask them and you might get some work for the company...

>> Edited by docevi1 on Wednesday 8th October 11:05


Original Poster:

13,930 posts

266 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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Nice idea but it's a serious bit of kit and is formatted for use with Macs (although this could easily be changed I guess) and is also quite big - about 1.5m x 1.5m!


6,110 posts

270 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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Oooh! Ooooh! Sounds interesting! Is it postscript?


3,167 posts

284 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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Why is it worthless?


Original Poster:

13,930 posts

266 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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cacatous said:
Why is it worthless?

Wish I knew!

I guess it because it's a specialist bit of kit that, whilst only a few years old, is obsolete.

Studios that have a need for high-end colour output probably already have something similar and those that don't have a need wouldn't want to pay for something they're not going to use.

So there is probably no viable market.

I'm sure if we had the time, we could put it on E-Bay and get something for it but we than have to apply resources to do this for not a great return.

There's also the tax write off thing which I won't get into here.


3,167 posts

284 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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I take it it's impractical for a bedroom office?

How much WAS it worth new?


Original Poster:

13,930 posts

266 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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cacatous said:
I take it it's impractical for a bedroom office?

How much WAS it worth new?

It's about 1.5m sqaure - the CPU (RIP) unit is about the same size as any typical PC and a normal 15" tube monitor - so you'd need a fair size room.

Worth new: £25k!


12,058 posts

275 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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someone will pay something silly for it if they don't red the dimensions properly.