Document Management Systems



Original Poster:

12,058 posts

275 months

Tuesday 7th October 2003
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So.... what's the best one to get. Small financial advisory business, 3 people 12 filing cabinets full of stuff. Ideally need someone who can supply scanners, server and do consultancy and support. Oh, and in aberdeen. Oh, and with response times measured in minutes.

Any ideas for any/all of that?


27,273 posts

273 months

Tuesday 7th October 2003
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Saw a demo of Filer2000 a while back - looked pretty good for a small-business type system.

I can certainly help with bulk scanning if you need that done. Our partner company is Allan Webb ( They offer an excellent service and good prices. They may also be able to help with a good package...

Filer2000 site at (website isn't great but the product was pretty good!)

We also offer a full data archival service. Mail me if you're interested.