Outlook problem



Original Poster:

46,645 posts

286 months

Tuesday 7th October 2003
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Running Win XP, with SP1; using Outlook 2002 on a PIII 800 with 512MB RAM.

Problem is that Calendar is VERY slow to update for one of our shedulers. She happens to open around 15 calendars and it's taking upto 30 mins to view them all... in NT it was quick... virtually straight away.

Apparently this is a knowm issue, but all I can think of doing is making copies of the calendars locally and then updating them with the exchange server...

Any other ideas?


10,857 posts

278 months

Tuesday 7th October 2003
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Not something silly like the DNS servers not set up properly so its having to do a long winded lookup is it?

I'll look further for you....


Original Poster:

46,645 posts

286 months

Tuesday 7th October 2003
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GregE240 said:
Not something silly like the DNS servers not set up properly so its having to do a long winded lookup is it?

I'll look further for you....

No, all seems to be in order on that side of things. Might be worth noting that our mail / exchange servers are US based, and we are UK based...


Original Poster:

46,645 posts

286 months

Tuesday 7th October 2003
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11,621 posts

278 months

Tuesday 7th October 2003
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Podie, I have found that applying the latest Exchange 2000 service pack sorts all type of niggles. Maybe suggest that?
