Should I Buy...?



Original Poster:

4,943 posts

260 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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a Playstation 2 (which can also play DVDs) for:

Used = £95.00
New = Black £124.99
Silver £134.99 (silver is the new edition)


An Xbox for £119.00


a game cube for £94.00


I would like the PS2 most because you get the best games on it. I have a PS1 at the moment, but I don't know how much that would sell for.


>>> Edited by lightningghost on Wednesday 18th February 21:49


3,230 posts

264 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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(the x-box is o.k,but sony are the nads!)

buy it new though,you get some realy abused examples up for sale and be carefull with getting it chipped,ive seen alot of ps2's shafted when this is attempted by amatures.

you have to get gt3 a-spec....this has turned into a real modern classic.

still waiting for driver 3,supposedly out at some point before the end of the year.......suposedly


6,268 posts

270 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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lightningghost said:
a Playstation 2 (which can also play DVDs)

Just bought one today, HMV have serveral 'packages' on offer. IMHO, worth a look.


3,519 posts

260 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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This little debate has been going on for weeks at work.

I have an X-Box, so my biased opinion would say go for one of those. I've had mine 'chipped' (£60) so it can now run copied games (oops.. did I really say that?) that I get for about a fiver each. Not bad for top titles that would normally cost £40. The 'chip' can be switched off if you ever want to take advantage of the X-Box online gaming.


5,420 posts

270 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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Trade in your old PS1 for a PS2 you'll get a better deal than if you sell it if you haggle a bit on some games

Good luck and it's PS2 all the way


Original Poster:

4,943 posts

260 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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Where can I trade in? Will HMV or Game or Game on do?


18,951 posts

266 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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I've heard about a lot of problems with PS2's, such as being noisy, crashing and problems with blue discs?

Anyone suffered any problems with their PS2's?

I heard the new one has quieter fans and a built-in DVD remote receiver.

>> Edited by g4ry13 on Saturday 4th October 20:30


3,230 posts

264 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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ive not had any problems at all,the dvd player works better than the one in my front room.....except it isnt multi-region because i havnt bought the x-ploder disc.

on some games it can be a bit noisy (18 wheeler,burnout and whacky racers) but the rest are o.k.

fwiw mine is the earlier model and i would have thought the newer ones are quieter.


Original Poster:

4,943 posts

260 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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So the PS2 has won the election, but is it really worth splashing out £125.00 on it? I'm short of cash at the mo and i'd have to pay out of my bank account which would take about a year to refill again. So, should I buy it or not?


8,490 posts

294 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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gamecube allegedly dropping to £79.00 next friday


3,230 posts

264 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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gamecube - the austin allegro of consoles!!

unless your a 8-year old kid,i doubt if 'mario' would hit the spot.

its gone down in price for a wants them and those that did have them are flogging them and buying ps2's and x-boxes.

the gamecube is quickly going the same way as the dreamcast.