Windows 2000 internet problems.....

Windows 2000 internet problems.....



Original Poster:

3,829 posts

285 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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After a few months of Sitting Idle, yesterday I finally got round to waking up Windows 2000. After a download of IE6 (only 4 minutes on BB) and Windows Media Player 9, everything was working as it should be, BB as fast as usual, and all my 'new windows' opened by sites were working. But this morning, it was.

IE6 is ok. WMP9 says that memory is too low I have 512MB of the stuff, and the system resources monitor shouws it to be using around 10 - 20% of that on a regular basis, so why can't WMP use the other 80%?

And whenever I open a new window from a site, Autotrader More Details pages, DSA Theory test etc, nothing happens, 2 or 3 usually work but then I get a program error, but I'm not sure what the program is.

Any Ideas?


8,893 posts

278 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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Yes.......It's Windows!


14,622 posts

270 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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Have you "windows updated" it?

Loading the new WMP without updating the OS is not a good idea generally.

Go to and get everything it says you need.



Original Poster:

3,829 posts

285 months

Sunday 5th October 2003
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Doh I knew that

Edited to say: As I have had that program error again, I have to restart and then pray that it doesn't happen again before I've got it downloaded!!

>> Edited by tvradict on Sunday 5th October 10:22